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Sarvangasana (Sanskrit: सर्वाङ्गासन; IAST: sarvāṅgāsana) or Shoulderstand is an āsana.

Many variations of the Shoulderstand exist, the likely most common to be taught is Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangāsana).

Sarvangāsana is nicknamed "queen" or "mother" of all the asanas.


The name in the case of Salamba Sarvāngāsana (Supported Shoulderstand) comes from the Sanskrit words Salamba meaning "supported", Sarva meaning "all" or "every", Anga meaning "limb" or "bodypart", and Āsana meaning "posture"," position", or "seat", thus Salamba Sarvāngasana literally translates to "supported-all-limbs-pose".


Lying on the back with the hands under the mid-back, the legs and lower body are lifted so that the weight of the body is supported on the head, neck, shoulders and upper arms. The gaze is towards the toes and the sagittal and transverse line of the head is perpendicular with the midsagittal and midfrontal line of the body.

Contraindications and cautions

The asana is contraindicated for high blood pressure, whiplash, menstruation, angina, and spinal weakness caused by conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis.

The weight placed on the cervical spine may mean a risk of neck injury, particularly if the asana is not done properly.