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Bhāskaralavaṇa cūrṇa

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Bhaaskaralavana Churna is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.

Formulation composition

S¡mudra Lava¸a API Sea salt 96 g
Sauvarcala Lava¸a API 60 g
Vi·a Lava¸a API 24 g
Saindhava Lava¸a API Rock salt 24 g
Dh¡nyaka API Coriandrum sativum Fr. 24 g
Pippal¢ API Piper longum Fr . 24 g
Pippal¢m£la API Piper longum Rt. 24 g
K¤À¸a J¢raka API Carum carvi Fr. 24 g
Patraka (Tvakpatra API) Cinnmomum tamala Lf. 24 g
N¡gake¿ara API Mesua ferrea Stmn. 24 g
T¡l¢sa API Abies webbiana Lf. 24 g
Amlavetasa API Garcinia pedunculata Fr. 24 g
Marica API Piper nigrum Fr. 12 g
. J¢raka (áveta J¢raka API) Cuminum cyminum Fr. 12 g
Vi¿va (áu¸¶h¢ API) Zingiber officinale Rz. 12 g
D¡·ima B¢ja (D¡·ima API) Punica granatum Dr.Sd. 48 g
Tvak API Cinnmomum zeylanicum St. Bk. 6 g
El¡ (S£kÀmail¡) API) Eletteria cardamomum Sd . 6 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash and dry the ingredients numbered 5 to 18.
  • Roast coarsely powdered Samudra Lavana, Sauvarcala Lavana, Saindhava Lavana and Vidha Lavana individually in a stainless steel pan on low flame till free from moisture, powder separately and pass through sieve number 85.[1]


  • Creamish-brown coloured, smooth powder with a characteristic odour of Vi·a Lava¸a and salty taste. The powder completely passes through sieve number 44 and not less than 50 per cent through sieve number 85.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Agnimandya (digestive impairment), sula (pain), Grahani (mal absorption syndrome), Vatakaphaja Gulma (tumor due to Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha), Pliha (splenic disease),

Udara (disease of abdomen,; Arsa (piles), Kshaya (pthisis), Kustha (disease of skin), Vibandha (constipation), Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano), shopha (oedema), shula (pain), shvsa (asthma), Kasa (cough), amlavata (rheumatism), Hrdruja (angina pectoris), Ajirna (dyspepsia).


  • 2-5 g in divided doses.


  • Mastu, Takra, Asava, Warm water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Loss on drying at 105 degree Not more than 7 per cent
Total Ash Not more than 50 per cent
Acid insoluble ash Not more than 3 per cent
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 12 per cent
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 70 per cent
Reducing suga 25 to 35 per cent
Non-reducing sugar 20 to 30 per cent
pH (5 % aqueous solution) 3.96 to 4.08



|Loss on drying at 105 degree|| Not more than 7 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10. Total ash: Not more than 50 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3. Acid-insoluble ash: Not more than 3 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4. Alcohol-soluble extractive: Not less than 12 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7. Water-soluble extractive: Not less than 47 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8. pH (10% aqueous solution): 4.0 to 4.7,