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Kalyāṇaka Ghṛta

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Kalyanaka Ghrta is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Gh¨ta as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

Harītakī API Terminalia chebula P. 12 g
Bibhītaka API Terminalia bellirica P. 12 g
Āmalakī API Phyllanthus emblica(Emblica officinalis) P. 12 g
Viśāla API Citrullus colocynthis(Official substitute) Fr. 12 g
Bhadrailā (Sthūlailā API ) Amomum subulatum Sd. 12 g
Devadāru API Cedrus deodara Ht.Wd 12 g
Elāvāluka API Prunus avium St.Bk 12 g
Śveta sārivā API Hemidesmus indicus Rt. 12 g
K¨¾´a sārivā API Cryptolepis buchanani Rt. 12 g
Haridrā API Curcuma longa Rz. 12 g
D¢ru haridrā API Berberis aristata St. 12 g
Śālapar´ī API Desmodium gangeticum Rt. 12 g
P¨śnipar´ī API Uraria picta Rt. 12 g
Phalinī (Priya¬gu API ) Callicarpa macrophylla Infl. 12 g
Nata (Tagara API) Valeriana wallichii Rt 12 g
B¨hatī API Solanum indicum Pl. 12 g
Ku¾°ha API Saussurea lappa Rt 12 g
Ma®ji¾°ā API Rubia cordifolia St 12 g
Nāgakeśara API Mesua ferrea Stmn. 12 g
Dā²ima-Phala tvak API Punica granatum P. 12 g
Vella (Vi²a¬ga API) Embelia ribes Fr. 12 g
Tālīsā patra (Tālīsā API) Abies webbiana Lf. 12 g
Elā (Sūk¾mailā API) Elettaria cardamomum Sd. 12 g
Mālatī Mukula (Jātī API) Jasminum officinalevar.grandiflorum Fl. 12 g
Utpala API Nymphaea stellata Fl. 12 g
Da¬tī API Baliospermum montanum Rt 12 g
Padmaka API Prunus cerasoides Ht. Wd 12 g
Hima (Rakta candana API) Pterocarpus santalinus Ht. Wd 12 g
Sarpi (Gogh¨ta API) Clarified butter from cow’s milk 768 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash and dry all the herbal raw material thoroughly.
  • Treat Ghrta to prepare Mūrchita Ghrta.
  • Take the ingredients (kalka dravya) numbered 1 to 28 in the formulation composition, clean, wash, dry, powder separately and pass through sieve number 85.
  • Transfer the powdered ingredients to wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend (Kalka). [1]


  • A low melting Gh¨ta, yellowish green in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.


  • Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Pāndu (Anemia), Apasmāra (Epilepsy), Bhūtonmāda (exogenous psychosis), Bālagraha (specific disorders of children), Vishavik¢ra (disorders due to poison), Gara visha (slow/accumulated poison), Vandhyatva (Infertility), Yoni roga (diseases of the female genital tract), Kandu (itching), Śopha (Oedema), Meda (Adipose tissue), Moha

(Delusion), Jvara (fever), Smrti daurbalya (weak memory) and Daurbalya (weakness).


  • 12 g daily in divided doses


  • Warm milk, Warm water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.454 to1.465
Weight per ml at 400 0.930g to 0.945g
Saponification value 190 to 230
Iodine value 30 to 40
Acid value Not more than 2
Peroxide value Not more than 4
Congealing point 210 to 170

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.450 to 1.461
Weight per ml at 400 0.930g to 0.945g
Saponification value 180 to 210
Iodine value 33 to 45
Acid value NoNot more than 4.5
Peroxide value Not more than 4
Congealing point 220 to 170
