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Saptāṅga Guggulu

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Saptanga Guggulu vati is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with Guggulu as the basic ingredient

Formulation composition

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Treat Guggulu to prepare Guggulu - shuddha.
  • Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 2 and 3 of the formulation composition, powder separately and pass through 180 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 85) to obtain fine powder and mix them all to a homogeneous mixture.
  • Crush weighed quantity of shuddha-Guggulu, add fine powder of other mixed ingredients to it and pound well. Add Gh¤ta to an extent required to facilitate the pounding and continue pounding till a semi-solid uniformly mixed mass of suitable plasticity is obtained.
  • Expel the mass through vati machine to obtain cylindrical threads and cut the vatis to a desired weight.
  • Roll the vatis on flat surface to round them by circular motion of palm covered with a glove and smeared with Gh¤ta or use suitable mechanical device.
  • Dry the rounded vatis in a tray-dryer at a temperature not exceeding 600 for 10 to 12 h.
  • Store vatis in containers and pack them air-tight to protect from light and moisture[1]
