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Amomum aromaticum - Agnigarba

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Amomum aromaticum is a herbaceous plant that can grow up to 1 metre tall from a rhizomatous rootstock. The seed is sometimes gathered from the wild for medicinal purposes and as a food flavouring. The plant is occasionally cultivated


[[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]], [[:Category:Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat |]].

Parts Used

[[:Category:Herbs with used in medicine|]], stem, leaves, Root.

Chemical Composition


Common names


Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.











Kind Shape Feature
Simple Alternate Leafy stem 3-4 ft. Leaves 0.5-1 ft. by 2-4 in., and glabrous on both sides.



Type Size Color and composition Stamen More information
Bisexual Spikes Spike small, globose ; peduncle generally short, rarely longer and decumbent ; outer bracts 1 in., ovate, pale brown. Corolla-tube 1 in. ; segments obtuse nearly as long as the tube, white, tinged with brown. Lip pale yellow, twice as long as the corolla-segments, outer half deflexed. Anther-crest large, petaloid, lobes rounded.


Type Size Mass Appearance Seeds More information
Capsule 1 in., oblong, trigonous.

Other features

List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used

Where to get the saplings

Mode of Propagation

[[:Category:Index of Plants which can be propagated by |]]

How to plant/cultivate


Commonly seen growing in areas

[[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]].

Photo Gallery


  1. ["chemistry"]
  2. "morphology"
  3. [ "Cultivation"]

External Links

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