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Gomūtra Harītakī

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Gomutra Haritaki is a powder preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below

Formulation composition

Gom£tra Cow urine 4 parts
Pathy¡ (Har¢tak¢ API) Terminalia chebula P. 1 part
Jala Kv¡tha (Hr¢vera API) Coleus vettiveroides Rt. 1 part
Mi¿i Kv¡tha (Mi¿rey¡ API) Foeniculum vulgare Fr. 1 part
KuÀ¶ha API Kv¡tha Saussurea lappa Rt. 1 part

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash and dry the ingredients numbered 2 to 5.
  • Boil the Haritaki in Gomutra till all the Gomutra is absorbed.
  • Boil coarsely powdered Hrivera in potable water till it reduces to eighth part, filter and collect the decoction of Hrivera in a stainless steel vessel.
  • Soak the boiled Haritaki in the decoction of Hrivera and dry it under sun light till all the decoction gets absorbed by the Haritaki.
  • Boil coarsely powdered Mishreya in potable water till it reduces to eighth part. Filter and collect the decoction of Mishreya. [1]


  • Brown coloured, smooth powder with a characteristic odour of Gomutra and a slightly astringent and salty taste. The powder completely passes through sieve number 44 and not less than 50 per centthrough sieve number 85.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed container, protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Mukharoga (disease of mouth).


  • 2 to 4 g daily in divided doses.


  • Water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Loss on drying at 105 degree Not more than 10 per cent
Total Ash Not more than 10 per cent
Acid insoluble ash Not more than 0.95 per cent
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 28 per cent
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 49 per cent
pH (5 % aqueous solution) 5.0 to 6.0
