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Citraka Harītakī

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Citraka Harītakī is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below:

Method of preparation

  • Wash, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 1 to 4 (Kvātha dravya) of the Formulation composition separately and pass through sieve no. 44 to obtain a coarse powder.
  • Dry and powder the ingredient number 5 separately and ingredients number 7 to 13 (Prak¾epa dravyas) of the Formulation composition to a fine powder and pass through sieve no. 85.
  • Add required amount of water to the Kvātha dravya, heat, reduce to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth.
  • Mix all the Kvāthas together. Add Jaggery, boil to dissolve and filter through a muslin cloth.
  • Reduce the Kvātha to a thicker consistency by gentle boiling; add cūrņa of Pathyā and stir thoroughly during the process.
  • Add the powdered prak¾epa dravya no. 7 to 13 while hot at 500 ,mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous mass.
  • Allow to cool to room temperature. Add honey, mix thoroughly.
  • Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.[1]


  • Blackish brown, semisolid paste with spicy, pleasant odour and bitter-astringent taste.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Gulma (abdominal lump), Udāvarta (upward movement of gases), Pīnasa (Chronic rhinitis/Sinusitis), Kāsa (cough), Svāsa (Dyspnoea), Arśa (Piles), Agnimāndya (loss of appetite), Kashaaya (Pthisis), Khimi (Helminthiasis / worm infestation).


  • 6 to 12 g daily in divided dose.


  • Warm water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Loss on drying Not more than 36.0 per cent
Total ash Not more than 4.7 per cent
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 1.0 per cent
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 21.0 per cent
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 67.0 per cent
pH (1% aqueous solution) 6.4 to 6.6
