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Ākarṇa Dhanurasana

37 bytes removed, 6 years ago
# Sit down upright.# Stretch , stretch out your legs, Keep keep the legs close together# The ,the palms will have to be placed on the ground on both the sides.# Bend the right knee, Cross cross the left leg# Place , place the right heel on the floor.# The , the right heel will have to lie beside the left ankle on the ground.# Grasp your right toe with the left thumb, middle and index fingers.# At at the same time, catch hold of the left toe with the right thumb, middle and index fingers, Slowly inhale deeply.
# Keep the head erect.
# Pull up the right foot till your right knee is beside the right armpit and even as the right toe touches the left ear.# At at this time the right hand should be pulling the left toe.
# As you pull the toes concentrate your gaze at the toe of the outstretched leg. (In this case, your eyes must be looking at the left toe).
# Gradually exhale.# Even as you exhale return the right foot to the ground on the left side of the outstretched left leg.# Release , release the hands.# Slowly slowly stretch the legs side by side in front.# This completes the first part of the posture.# Complete , complete the round by repeating the action on the other side.<ref name="Technique"/>
==Technique in pictures/animation==

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