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Polygonatum cirrhifolium - Mahāmedā

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[[File:Polygonatum cirrhifolium 0zz.jpg|thumb|right|''Mahāmedā'', ''Polygonatum cirrhifolium'']]
 '''Mahāmedā''' consists of dried rhizome and root of Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle (Fam. Liliaceae), It is a herb found in the temperate Himalayas.
{{Uses|Loss of vigour}}, {{Uses|Pain in the kidneys}}, {{Uses|Pain in the hips}}, {{Uses|Swelling}}, {{Uses|Fullness in the abdominal region}}, {{Uses|Bone joints}}, {{Uses|Skin eruptions}}, {{Uses|Cough}}.
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Mahamedha|ml=Mahameda|sa=Mahāmeda, Vasucchidrā, Tridanti, Devamaṇī|ta=Mahameda|te=Mahameda|hi=Mahameda, Devarigaala|en=Mahameda}}
{{Flower|Unisexual|2-4cm long|pinkPink||Flowering throughout the year and In terminal and/or axillary pseudoracemes}}
{{Fruit|oblong Oblong pod|Thinly septate, pilose, wrinkled|||seeds Seeds upto 5|Fruiting throughout the year}}
===Other features===
<ref name="chemical composition">The Ayuredic Pharmacopoeia of India Part-1, Volume-5, Page no-14</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[ "Morphology"]</ref><ref name="How to plant/cultivate">["Cultivation detail"]</ref>

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