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Amoora cucullata

1,486 bytes added, 4 years ago
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{{stub}}Aglaia cucullata is a tree with a broad, rounded crown of arching branches; it usually grows up to 15 metres tall, occasionally to 30 metres. The straight, cylindrical bole can be free of branches for up to 10 metres and up to 100cm in diameter, sometimes with plank buttresses up to 3 metres high and sometimes with pneumatophores up to 7 metres away from the bole and up to 60cm high. The tree provides an important heavy timber that is harvested from the wild and much used locally for purposes such as construction and boat building. The wood is traded in quantity in New Guinea as 'Amoora' timber.
{{Leaf|Pinnate|Alternate|imparipinnate; petiolules ca. 1.25 cm long; lamina ca. 7-20 x 4-6.5 cm, ovate or oblong elliptic, oblique at base, obtuse at apex, entire, glabrous, subcoriaceous; secondary nerves 16 pairs. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Polygamous|Panicles|Yellow|6|Inflorescence densely lepidote; male panicles drooping, almost as long as leaves, with many diverging branches; female racemes much shorter, few-flowered; Flowers bracteate, ca. 3-4 mm long, yellow; female and bisexual flowers larger than male flowers; calyx 3-lobed; petals 3; staminal tube turbinate, scarcely shorter than petals; anthers 6, sessile, included; ovary 3-locular; locules 2-ovuled; style absent; stigma 3-lobed, large. Pistillode similar but slender and stipitate}}
{{Fruit|Capsule|6 cm across||pyriform-globose, obtusely 3-lobed, 3-valved|Seeds 3, orange, rounded with fleshy aril.|}}
===Other features===
<ref name="chemical composition">["chemistry"]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">["morphology"]</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "Cultivation"]</ref>
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