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Aṣṭāṅga Yoga

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'''Ashtanga Yoga''' or the Eight limbs of Patanjali Yoga. These are eight different techniques that harmonize the mind and gradually induce more subtle perception. The first five stages are the ''bahiranga'' (external) practices of yoga. These five prepare the body-mind for the last three stages, which are called ''antaranga '' (internal) practices of yoga. Also the first five stages help removing external distractions, and later three stages eradicate the disturbing thoughts and psychic manifestations, so that one can put an end to the state of the mind.
#Ishwara pranidhana (surrender to the cosmic will)
The Yamas help to harmonize social interactions and the Niyamas help to harmonize inner feelings. Yamas and Niyamas are made to reduce friction between outer actions and inner attitudes. There is a two way relationship between mind and actions. The mind stimulates our outer actions and those actions stimulate the mind. If one is disturbed, the other gets disturbed automatically. So these ten stages of Yama and Niyama can calm the mind and body by sensible actions and attitudes towards everything; own life and the surroundings.
'''Asana''' as per Patanjali is a steady and comfortable sitting position. Asana in Ashtanga Yoga includes only the meditative postures, such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana, etc, unlike various Asanas in Hatha Yoga. Here the purpose is to balance the different nerve impulses, feelings of pain and pleasure, heat and cold and all other opposite sensations which distracts the mind, body and soul.

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