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Ākarṇa Dhanurasana

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# Within a short time several parts of your body get stretched effectively* It helps the make the legs strong and flexible.* It helps to build up the core muscles.# Your calves, thighs, back, waist, chest, shoulders and * It also helps in the arms become well proportioned improvement of grace and developedconcentration.# This exercise gives severe stretch * It also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, hop joints and shouldersthe spine. hence this exercise will help cure joints * It improves posture and removes the pain of back and lumbar region.* It is considered to be beneficial for those who have arthritis and rheumatic painscondition.# While performing this exercise * It improves the abdominal muscles are contracted which helps movement of bowels. Hence it curs all the abdominal disorders digestion process, treats indigestion problems and strengthens the digestive systemalso clears constipation.<ref name="Effects"/>
==Related Asanas==

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