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Agnivallabha, Shorea robusta

Agnivallabha, Sal is an evergreen tree with an elongated crown when young, becoming more rounded as the tree ages. It can grow up to 50 metres tall in fertile soils, but is more likely to be 20 - 25 metres tall in poorer soils. The straight, cylindrical bole can be unbranched for up to 25 metres and up to 200cm in diameter. Sal is a very important multi-purpose tree. It is one of the main commercial timbers of India, being harvested from the wild for local use and export. It also yields a resin that is traded and an oil that is used locally as well as being exported in large quantities. In addition, it supplies tannins, an edible seed and medicines for local use. The leaves are used commercially for making plates and containers


Fracture healing, Wound healing, Diarrhea, Ear disorders, Relieves itching [1]

Parts Used

Bark, Sapwood, Heartwood, resin, seeds

Chemical Composition

Common names

Language Common name
Kannada ashvakarna, bili-bhogimara, bili-bovu, bilibodige
Hindi sal, ral, shal
Malayalam kungiliyam, mulappumarutu, salavrksam
Tamil venkunkiliyam, tanivirukkam, acuvakarnakam
Telugu jalari-chettu, saala, sarjakamu
Marathi NA
Gujarathi NA
Punjabi NA
Kashmiri NA
Sanskrit agnivallabha, ashvakarna, dhupavrksa, ralasala
English Sal



Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.



Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet)


Rooksha (Dry), Ushna (Hot)


Sheeta (Cold)


Katu (Pungent)







{{Leaf|Simple|Alternate| shiny, glabrous, about 10-25 cm long and broadly oval atthe base, with the apex tapering into a long point; new leaves reddish, soon becoming delicate green. }[3]


Type Size Color and composition Stamen More information
Bisexual Terminal or axillary racemose panicles Yellowish white 25+ fragrant, yellow or cream white, pedicel subsessile, bracts minute, caducous, calyx 5 lobed, tubular with short valvate lobes, imbricate, ovate-triangular, adnate to the receptacle, outer 3 larger than the inner 2 lobes, about 2-2.5 mm long, petals 5, white, pale yellow to pinkish strips, lanceolate, base slightly connate, apex acuminate, glabrous inside, buff pubescent outside, 10-13 nerved longitudinally. Stamens 25 or more, adnate persistent, short, filaments somewhat flattened or tapering and filiform, anthers subglobose, narrow oblong-ovate, connective subulate, minutely tri-fid towards beyond anther lobes, hair-like. Ovary enclosed inside calyx tube, narrow ovoid, pubescent, tri-locular, 2 ovules per locule, stylopodium distinct or not, style subulate, stigma tri-lobed or tri dentate.


Type Size Mass Appearance Seeds More information
Winged capsule 1.5 cm long ovoid, apex acute, densely pubescent, about 1.5 cm long, enclosed in calyx tube with 3 outer accrescent larger lobes and broader lobes, about 8 x 1.5 cm long and 2 inner ones, smaller, oblong-spathulate, apex obtuse, about 10-12 veined, about 3.5 x 0.5 cm across, calyx lobes base thick, saccate, pubescent. Seeds 1, cotyledons large, fleshy {{{5}}} {{{6}}}

Other features

List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used

Where to get the saplings

Mode of Propagation


How to plant/cultivate

Season to grow

Soil type


Commonly seen growing in areas

Sub Tropical area

Photo Gallery


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