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Comprehensive mudras

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According to the renowned researcher Acharya Keshav Deo, discoveries made thousands of years ago by our Rishis and Yogis are being found to be true.
*Mudras are like yogic injection and yogic tranquiliser. Some of the mudras can balance an element within the body in 45 minutes or less, whereas some other mudars have an immediate effect. Practising mudras regularly can cure sleeplessness, arthritis, memory loss, heart problems, impaired hearing, grey hair, incurable infections, blood pressure, diabetes, congested chest and many more ailments.
*Mudras add to facial beauty.
 *In the case of some mudras, perfoeming them with the right hand, have a positive effect on the left side and vice versa. For eample, there is only one artery that supplies pure blood to both sides of the body. When we perform Vayu mudra with the right hand, the flow of blood within this artery gets redirected to the left side thus helping reduce the pain in the knee joint of the left side. *Life is beautiful and one needs the proper attitude to realize it. Mudras like the Jnaan Mudra, Prithvi mudra and prana mudra help in building a positive attitude.*Some mudras like the Shoonya mudra (performed the effects of vertigo) and Apaan-Vayu mudra (to combat the effects of a heart attack) produce the desired effect with great speed while other mudras show their efficacy gradually but definitely. '''*Knowledge of mudras can prove to be of immense help in the progress and protection of the entire human race'''.   
== Mudras in the present context ==
*Mudras are an excellent alternative therapy.
*Mudras are not only therapeutic but also prevent aliments. They are very effective.
*Mudras seem to be simple, but then so are all the basic things in life. Aren't they?
  == References == 
The above mentioned information is added from the book called '''"MUDRAS & HEALTH PERSPECTIVES"''' by '''''"SUMAN.K.CHIPLUNKAR"'''''.

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