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Physiology of Nervous System

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All functions of nervous system in human body are represented through ‘Vāta’ in Ayurveda. In general, the functions ascribed to ‘Vāta’ are: Control and co-ordination of different parts of the body, initiation of all movements, regulation of psychological processes, initiation of all activities of sense organs, transmission of different sensations, production of speech, secreto- motor functions in the gut, expulsion of wastes from the body and control of respiration (Ca.Sū.12/8). ‘Vāta’ is divided into five sub types – ‘Prāna’, ‘Udāna’, ‘Vyāna’, ‘Samāna’ and ‘Apāna’.
==Prāna Vāta== This is situated in head and is responsible for the control over intellectual functions, cardiovascular functions, sense organs, psychological activities, respiration, and reflex activities like sneezing, belching and deglutition (A.H.Sū. 12/5). Based on this sub-type of ‘Vāta’, ‘Prānavaha Srotas’ has derived its name.
==Udāna Vāta== Its active site is chest region. It is basically responsible for production of speech. The effort and strength required for speech are also the functions of ‘Udāna’. It also helps in recall of vocabulary required for well-articulated speech (A.H.Sū. 12/5).
==Vyāna Vāta== The active site of ‘Vyāna Vāta’ is Heart. It makes the circulation of blood possible by controlling the heart. Vyana makes ‘Rasa’ (the intravascular fluid including
plasma and lymph) to get forcefully ejected out of the heart and makes it circulate throughout the body (Ca. Ci. 15/36). So, sympathetic and parasympathetic control of heart is indicated by ‘Vyāna Vāta’. Some authors have ascribed the functions of somatic nervous system also to ‘Vyāna Vāta’ as movements like flexion, extension, opening and closure of eyelids have been said to be under its control (Ca. Ci. 28/9).

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