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'''LohasaavaLohāsava''' is a fermented liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 per cent, and not less than 5 per cent of alcohol that is self generated in the preparation over a period of time.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Loha C£r¸acūrṇa-áodhita Śodhita (Lauha API)|| Iron dust|| || 192 g
| áu¸¶h¢ Śuṇṭhī API ||Zingiber officinale|| Rz. ||192 g
| Marica API ||Piper nigrum|| Fr. ||192 g
| Pippal¢ Pippalī API|| Piper longum ||Fr.|| 192 g
| Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API ||Terminalia chebula ||P.|| 192 g
|Bibh¢taka Bibhītaka API ||Terminalia bellierica|| P.|| 192 g
| Ëmalak¢ Āmalakī API|| Emblica officinalis ||P.|| 192 g
|Yav¡nik¡ Yavānikā (Yav¡n¢ Yavānī API)|| Trachyspermum ammi ||Fr. ||192 g
| Vi·a´ga Viḍaṅga API|| Embelia ribes ||Fr. ||192 g
| Mustaka (Must¡Mustā) API)|| Cyperus rotundus|| Rz. ||192 g
| Citra (Era¸·aEraṇḍa) API)|| Ricinus communis|| Rt.|| 192 g
| Dh¡tak¢ Dhātakī API ||Woodfordia fruticosa|| Fl.|| 960 g
| KÀaudra Kṣaudra (Madhu) API|| Honey ||||3.072 kg
| Gu·a Guḍa API ||Jaggery|||| 4.80 kg
| Jala ||Water|| ||24.576 l
==Therapeutic uses==
*Jatahara Jaṭhara (weak digestion), Pandu Pāṇḍu (anaemia), svayathu Śvayathu (oedema), Gulma (abdominal lump), Arsya Arśa (piles), Agnimandya Agnimāndya (digestive impairment), Plrha Plīhā Roga (splenic disease), Kustha Kuṣṭa (disease of skin), Kasa Kāsa (cough), shvasa Śvāsa (asthma), Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano), Aruci (tastelessness), Grahani Grahaṇī (malabsorption syndrome), H¤droga Hṛdroga (disease of heart).

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