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Dhānvantara Taila

164 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''Dhanvantara Taila ''' is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Tila Taila as the basic ingredient.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Balā mūla (Balā API) ||[[Sida cordifolia ]] ||Rt.|| 4.61 kg
| Jala API for decoction|| Water || ||36.86 l
| Payah (Godugdha API) ||Cow’s milk|| || 4.61 l
| Yava API ||[[Hordeum vulgare ]] ||Sd.|| 59.07 g
| Kola API ||[[Zizyphus jujuba ]] ||Fr. ||59.07 g
| Kulattha API|| [[Dolichos biflorus]]|| Sd. ||59.07 g
| Bilva API ||[[Aegle marmelos ]] ||St.Bk.|| 59.07 g
| Śyonāka API ||[[Oroxylum indicum ]] ||St.Bk.|| 59.07 g
| Gambhārī API ||[[Gmelina arborea ]] ||St.Bk. ||59.07 g
| Pā°alā API ||[[Stereospermum suaveolens ]] ||St.Bk.|| 59.07 g
| Ga´ikārikā(Laghu Agnimantha API) ||[[Clerodendrum phlomidis ]] ||St.Bk.|| 59.07 g
| Śālapar´ī API ||[[Desmodium gangeticum]]|| Pl. ||59.07 g
| P¨śnipar´ī API ||[[Uraria picta]]|| Pl. ||59.07 g
| B¨hatī API ||[[Solanum indicum]]|| Rt.|| 59.07 g
| Ka´°akārī API ||[[Solanum surattense ]] ||Rt.|| 59.07 g
| Gok¾ura API ||[[Tribulus terrestris ]] ||Fr. ||59.07 g
| Jala API for decoction ||Water || ||6.144 l
| Reduced to|| || || 768 ml
| Taila (Tila API)|| [[Sesamum indicum ]] ||Oil|| 768 ml
| Medā API ||[[Asparagus racemosus ]] (Official substitute)|| Rt||6 g
| Mahā Medā ||[[Asparagus racemosus ]] (Official substitute)|| Rt.|| 6 g
| Dāru (Devadāru API) ||[[Cedrus deodara]]|| Ht.Wd.|| 6 g
| Ma®ji¾°ā API ||[[Rubia cordifolia]]|| Rt.|| 6 g
| Kākolī ||[[Withania somnifera ]] (Official substitute)|| Rt.|| 6 g
| K¾īra Kākolī|| Withania somnifera (Official substitute )|| Rt.|| 6 g
| Candana (Rakta candana API)|| [[Pterocarpus santalinus ]] ||Ht.Wd. ||6 g
| Śārivā (Śveta śārivā API)|| [[Hemidesmus indicus]]|| Rt. ||6 g
| Ku¾°ha API ||[[Saussurea lappa]]|| Rt. ||6 g
| Tagara API ||[[Valeriana wallichii wallichi]] ||Rt / Rz.|| 6 g 119
| Jīvaka|| [[Pueraria tuberosa ]] (Official substitute)|| Rt.Tr.|| 6 g
| §¾abhaka ||Pueraria tuberosa (Official substitute)|| Rt.Tr.|| 6 g
| Saindhava lava´a API|| Rock salt|| || 6 g
| Kālānusārī (Tagara API) ||[[Valeriana wallichiiwallichi]]|| Rz.|| 6 g
| Śaileya API ||[[Parmelia perlata ]] ||Pl.|| 6 g
| Vacā API ||[[Acorus calamus]]|| Rz.|| 6 g
| Agaru API ||[[Aquilaria agallocha]]|| Ht.Wd.|| 6 g
| Punarnavā (Rakta punarnavā API) ||[[Boerhaavia diffusadiffua]]|| Rt.|| 6 g
| Aśvagandhā API|| [[Withania somnifera ]] ||Rt.|| 6 g
| Varī (Śatāvarī API) ||[[Asparagus racemosus ]] ||Rt.Tr. ||6 g
| K¾īraśukla (K¾īra Vidārī API) ||[[Ipomoea digitata ]] ||Rt.Tr.|| 6 g
| Ya¾°ī API|| [[Glycyrrhiza glabra]]|| Rt. ||6 g
| Harītakī API ||[[Terminalia chebula ]] ||P. ||6 g
| Āmalakī API ||[[Phyllanthus emblica ]] (Emblica officinalis)|| P. ||6 g
| Bibhītaka API ||[[Terminalia bellirica ]] ||P.|| 6 g
| Śatāhvā API ||[[Anethum sowa ]] ||Fr.|| 6 g
| Sūrpapar´i (Mā¾apar´ī API)|| [[Teramnus labialis ]] ||Pl.|| 6 g
| Elā (Sūk¾mailā API) ||[[Elettaria cardamomum ]]|| Sd.|| || 6 g
| Tvak API ||[[Cinnamomum zeylanicum ]] ||St.Bk|| 6 g
| Patra (Tejapatra API)|| [[Cinnamomum tamala ]] ||Lf.|| 6 g
*Take all ingredients of Pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.
*Treat Tila taila to prepare [[Mūrchita Taila (Appendix]].*Pulverize the dried Balā mūla ([[kvātha dravya]]) to a coarse powder, add specified amounts of water, heat and reduce the volume to one eighth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Balā kvātha.*Pulverize the dried ingredients numbered 4 to 16 (kvātha dravya) to coarse powder, add specified quantity of water, heat and reduce the volume to one eighth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain [[kvātha]]<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>

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