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Sārasvata Ghṛta

7 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''Saarasvata GhrataSārasvata Ghṛta''' is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Gh¨ta as the basic ingredient.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Ajā k¾īra kṣīra ||Goat’s milk|| || 3.07 l
| Abhayā (Harītakī API) ||Terminalia chebula|| P. ||24 g
| Śu´°hī Śuṇṭhī API|| Zingiber officinale|| Rz.|| 24 g
| Marica API|| Piper nigrum ||Fr. ||24 g
| Pippalī API ||Piper longum ||Fr.|| 24 g
| Pā°hā Pāṭhā API ||Cissampelos pareira|| Rt.|| 24 g
| Ugra (Vacā API)|| Acorus calamus ||Rz.|| 24 g
| Śigru API ||Moringa pterygosperma ||Rt.Bk. ||24 g
| Saindhava lava´a lavaṇa (API)|| Rock salt || ||24 g
| Jala API ||Water || ||3.07 l
| Sarpi (Gogh¨ta Goghṛta API) ||Clarified butter from cow’s milk || ||768 g

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