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'''Mahanarayana Taila''' is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Tila taila as the basic ingredient.  
'''Mahanarayana Taila''' is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Tila taila as the basic ingredient.  
==Formulation composition==
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
|1 Bilva API ||Aegle marmelos ||St. Bk.|| 960 g
|2 A¿vagandh¡ API ||Withania somnifera ||Rt.|| 960 g
|3 B¤hat¢ API ||Solanum indicum|| Pl.|| 960 g
|4 ávadaÆÀ¶r¡ (GokÀura API) ||Tribulus terrestris|| Pl. ||960 g
|5 áyon¡ka API|| Oroxylum indicum ||St. Bk. ||960 g
|6 V¡¶y¡laka (Bal¡ (API)) ||Sida cordifolia ||Rt. ||960 g
|7 P¡ribhadra API ||Erythrina indica ||Rt.|| 960 g
|8 KÀudr¡ (Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ API)|| Solanum surattense ||Pl.|| 960 g
|9 Ka¶hill¡ (Rakta Punarnav¡ API)|| Boerhavia diffusa|| Pl.|| 960 g
|10 Atibal¡ API ||Abutilon indicum ||Rt. ||960 g
|11 Agnimantha API ||Clerodendrum phlomidis [Premna integrifolia (Official Substitute)] ||St. Bk. ||960 g
|12 Sara¸¢ (Pras¡ri¸¢ API)|| Paedaria foetida|| Pl.|| 960 g
|13 P¡¶al¢ (P¡¶al¡ API) ||Stereospermum suaveolens|| St. Bk.|| 960 g
|14 Jala API for decoction|| Potable Water|| –|| 98.304 l
|reduced to 24.576 l||||||
|15 Taila (Tila Taila API) ||Sesame oil ||– ||6.144 kg
|16 Godugdha∗ API ||Cow milk ||– ||6.144 kg
|17 áat¡var¢rasa (áat¡var¢ API) ||Asparagus racemosus|| Rt. Tr. juice|| 6.144 l
|18 R¡sn¡ API ||Pluchea lanceolata [Alpinia galanga (Official substitute)] ||Rt.|| 96 g
|19 A¿vagandh¡ API|| Withania somnifera|| Rt.|| 96 g
|20 MiÀi (Mi¿rey¡ API) ||Foeniculum vulgare|| Fr.|| 96 g
|21 D¡ru (Devad¡ru API)|| Cedrus deodara|| Ht. Wd.|| 96 g
|22 Ku˦ha API ||Saussurea lappa ||Rt. ||96 g
|23 Par¸¢catuÀka||||||
|a. á¡lapar¸¢ API|| Desmodium gangeticum ||Pl. ||96 g
|b. P¤¿nipar¸¢API|| Uraria picta|| Pl. ||96 g
|c. Mudgapar¸¢ API ||Phaseolus trilobus|| Pl. ||96 g
|d. M¡Àapar¸¢ API ||Teramnus labialis ||Pl.|| 96 g
|24 Agaru API ||Aquillaria agallocha|| Ht. Wd. ||96 g
|25 Ke¿ara (N¡gake¿ara API)|| Messua ferrea ||Stmn.|| 96 g
|26 Sindh£ttha (Saindhava Lava¸a (API))|| Rock salt|| –|| 96 g
|27 M¡Æs¢ (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢ API) ||Nardostachys jatamansi ||Rt./Rz. ||96 g
|28 Rajan¢dvaya||||||
|a. Haridr¡ API ||Curcuma longa|| Rz.|| 96 g
|b. D¡ruharidr¡ API|| Berberis aristata|| St.|| 96 g
|29 áaileyaka (áaileya API)|| Parmelia perlata|| Pl. ||96 g
|30 Candana (Rakta candana API)|| Pterocarpus santalinus|| Ht. Wd. ||96 g
|31 PuÀkara API ||Inula racemosa|| Rt. ||96 g
|32 El¡ (S£kÀmail¡ API)|| Elettaria cardamomum ||Sd. ||96 g
|33 Asra (MaµjiÀ¶h¡ API) ||Rubia cordifolia ||St.|| 96 g
|34 YaÀ¶¢ API ||Glycyrrhiza glabra|| Rt. ||96 g
|35 Tagara API ||Valeriana wallichii|| Rz.|| 96 g
|36 Abda (Must¡ API)|| Cyperus rotundus|| Rz. ||96 g
|37 Patra (Tvak patra API) ||Cinnamomum tamala|| Lf.|| 96 g
|38 Bh¤´ga (Tvak API) ||Cinnamomum zeylanicum ||St. Bk.|| 96 g
|39 A˦avarga||||||
|a. J¢vaka API ||Microstylis wallichi [Pueraria tuberosa (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr.|| 96 g
|b. ÎÀabhaka API ||Microstylis wallichi [Pueraria tuberosa (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr. ||96 g
|c. Med¡ (API)|| Polygonatum verticillatum [Asparagus racemosus (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr.|| 96 g
|d. Mah¡med¡ API|| Polygonatum cirrhifolium [Asparagus racemoses (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr.|| 96 g
|e. K¡kol¢ API|| Lilium polyphyllum [Withania somnifera (Official Substitute)]|| Rt.|| 96 g
|f. KÀ¢rak¡kol¢ API|| Fritillaria roylei [Withania somnifera (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. ||96 g
|g. Îddhi API|| Habenaria intermedia [Dioscorea bulbifera (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr.|| 96 g
|h. V¤ddhi API ||Habenaria intermedia [Dioscorea bulbifera (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr. ||96 g
|40 Ambu (Hr¢vera API)|| Coleus vettiveroides|| Rt.|| 96 g
|41 Vac¡ API|| Acorus calamus|| Rz. ||96 g
|42 Pal¡¿a API|| Butea monosperma ||St. Bk.|| 96 g
|43 Sthau¸eya API|| Taxus baccata|| Lf. ||96 g
|44 V¤¿c¢raka (áveta Punarnav¡ API)|| Boerhaavia verticillata|| Pl.|| 96 g
|45 Coraka API ||Angelica glauca ||Rz.|| 96 g
|46 Karp£ra API ||Cinnamomum camphora Subl. Ext. of A.|| Pt.|| 96 g
|47 K¡¿m¢ra (Ku´kuma API)|| Crocus sativus|| Sty./Stg.|| 96 g
==Method of preparation==
==Method of preparation==
Line 10: Line 133:
*Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 13 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) ([[kvatha dravya]]).
*Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 13 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) ([[kvatha dravya]]).
*Add water for decoction to the kv¡tha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain kvatha.
*Add water for decoction to the kv¡tha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain kvatha.
*Wash and clean the cut pieces of Shatavari, grind and squeeze through muslin cloth to obtain Shatavari svarasa.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
*Wash and clean the cut pieces of Shatavari, grind and squeeze through muslin cloth to obtain Shatavari [[svarasa]].<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
*Medicated oil, yellowish brown in color with an unpleasant odour.
*Store in a cool place in air-tight containers, protected from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
*Ardita (Facial palsy), Badhiratva (Deafness), Pangutva (Paraplegia), Gatra kampa (Tremors), Manyastambha (Neck rigidity/Torticollis) Hanustambha (Lockjaw), Ekangasosa (Wasting of one limb), shukraksaya (Oligospermia), Vandhyatva (Infertility), siroroga (Headache), Jihvastambha (Glossal palsy), Dantasula (Toothache), Unmada (Mania/Psychosis), Kubja (Humpback/ Kyphosis), Jvara (Fever), Jar¡ (Senility), Karsya (Emaciation), Snayubhagna (Rupture of ligament), Asthibhagna (Bone fracture).
*5-10 ml per day in divided doses; Nasya: 2 to 3 drops per nostril, Abhyaga (massage on affected parts) and Anuv¡sana Basti.
==Physico-chemical parameters==
{| class="wikitable"
|Refractive index at 400||1.458 to 1.461
|Specific gravity at 400||0.926 to 0.955
|Saponification value||188 to 196
|Iodine value||80 to 100
|Acid value|| 3 to 6
|Peroxide value||Not more than 5
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[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Facial palsy]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Deafness]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Paraplegia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Tremors]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Neck rigidity]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Torticollis]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lockjaw]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Wasting of one limb]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Oligospermia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Infertility]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Headache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Psychosis]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Toothache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Humpback]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Kyphosis]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Fever]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Senility]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Emaciation]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Rupture of ligament]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Bone fracture]]

Latest revision as of 15:11, 23 September 2018

Mahanarayana Taila is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Tila taila as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

1 Bilva API Aegle marmelos St. Bk. 960 g
2 A¿vagandh¡ API Withania somnifera Rt. 960 g
3 B¤hat¢ API Solanum indicum Pl. 960 g
4 ávadaÆÀ¶r¡ (GokÀura API) Tribulus terrestris Pl. 960 g
5 áyon¡ka API Oroxylum indicum St. Bk. 960 g
6 V¡¶y¡laka (Bal¡ (API)) Sida cordifolia Rt. 960 g
7 P¡ribhadra API Erythrina indica Rt. 960 g
8 KÀudr¡ (Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ API) Solanum surattense Pl. 960 g
9 Ka¶hill¡ (Rakta Punarnav¡ API) Boerhavia diffusa Pl. 960 g
10 Atibal¡ API Abutilon indicum Rt. 960 g
11 Agnimantha API Clerodendrum phlomidis [Premna integrifolia (Official Substitute)] St. Bk. 960 g
12 Sara¸¢ (Pras¡ri¸¢ API) Paedaria foetida Pl. 960 g
13 P¡¶al¢ (P¡¶al¡ API) Stereospermum suaveolens St. Bk. 960 g
14 Jala API for decoction Potable Water 98.304 l
reduced to 24.576 l
15 Taila (Tila Taila API) Sesame oil 6.144 kg
16 Godugdha∗ API Cow milk 6.144 kg
17 áat¡var¢rasa (áat¡var¢ API) Asparagus racemosus Rt. Tr. juice 6.144 l
18 R¡sn¡ API Pluchea lanceolata [Alpinia galanga (Official substitute)] Rt. 96 g
19 A¿vagandh¡ API Withania somnifera Rt. 96 g
20 MiÀi (Mi¿rey¡ API) Foeniculum vulgare Fr. 96 g
21 D¡ru (Devad¡ru API) Cedrus deodara Ht. Wd. 96 g
22 Ku˦ha API Saussurea lappa Rt. 96 g
23 Par¸¢catuÀka
a. á¡lapar¸¢ API Desmodium gangeticum Pl. 96 g
b. P¤¿nipar¸¢API Uraria picta Pl. 96 g
c. Mudgapar¸¢ API Phaseolus trilobus Pl. 96 g
d. M¡Àapar¸¢ API Teramnus labialis Pl. 96 g
24 Agaru API Aquillaria agallocha Ht. Wd. 96 g
25 Ke¿ara (N¡gake¿ara API) Messua ferrea Stmn. 96 g
26 Sindh£ttha (Saindhava Lava¸a (API)) Rock salt 96 g
27 M¡Æs¢ (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢ API) Nardostachys jatamansi Rt./Rz. 96 g
28 Rajan¢dvaya
a. Haridr¡ API Curcuma longa Rz. 96 g
b. D¡ruharidr¡ API Berberis aristata St. 96 g
29 áaileyaka (áaileya API) Parmelia perlata Pl. 96 g
30 Candana (Rakta candana API) Pterocarpus santalinus Ht. Wd. 96 g
31 PuÀkara API Inula racemosa Rt. 96 g
32 El¡ (S£kÀmail¡ API) Elettaria cardamomum Sd. 96 g
33 Asra (MaµjiÀ¶h¡ API) Rubia cordifolia St. 96 g
34 YaÀ¶¢ API Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt. 96 g
35 Tagara API Valeriana wallichii Rz. 96 g
36 Abda (Must¡ API) Cyperus rotundus Rz. 96 g
37 Patra (Tvak patra API) Cinnamomum tamala Lf. 96 g
38 Bh¤´ga (Tvak API) Cinnamomum zeylanicum St. Bk. 96 g
39 A˦avarga
a. J¢vaka API Microstylis wallichi [Pueraria tuberosa (Official Substitute)] Rt. Tr. 96 g
b. ÎÀabhaka API Microstylis wallichi [Pueraria tuberosa (Official Substitute)] Rt. Tr. 96 g
c. Med¡ (API) Polygonatum verticillatum [Asparagus racemosus (Official Substitute)] Rt. Tr. 96 g
d. Mah¡med¡ API Polygonatum cirrhifolium [Asparagus racemoses (Official Substitute)] Rt. Tr. 96 g
e. K¡kol¢ API Lilium polyphyllum [Withania somnifera (Official Substitute)] Rt. 96 g
f. KÀ¢rak¡kol¢ API Fritillaria roylei [Withania somnifera (Official Substitute)] Rt. 96 g
g. Îddhi API Habenaria intermedia [Dioscorea bulbifera (Official Substitute)] Rt. Tr. 96 g
h. V¤ddhi API Habenaria intermedia [Dioscorea bulbifera (Official Substitute)] Rt. Tr. 96 g
40 Ambu (Hr¢vera API) Coleus vettiveroides Rt. 96 g
41 Vac¡ API Acorus calamus Rz. 96 g
42 Pal¡¿a API Butea monosperma St. Bk. 96 g
43 Sthau¸eya API Taxus baccata Lf. 96 g
44 V¤¿c¢raka (áveta Punarnav¡ API) Boerhaavia verticillata Pl. 96 g
45 Coraka API Angelica glauca Rz. 96 g
46 Karp£ra API Cinnamomum camphora Subl. Ext. of A. Pt. 96 g
47 K¡¿m¢ra (Ku´kuma API) Crocus sativus Sty./Stg. 96 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Treat Tila taila to prepare murcchita Tila taila.
  • Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 13 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) (kvatha dravya).
  • Add water for decoction to the kv¡tha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain kvatha.
  • Wash and clean the cut pieces of Shatavari, grind and squeeze through muslin cloth to obtain Shatavari svarasa.[1]


  • Medicated oil, yellowish brown in color with an unpleasant odour.


  • Store in a cool place in air-tight containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Ardita (Facial palsy), Badhiratva (Deafness), Pangutva (Paraplegia), Gatra kampa (Tremors), Manyastambha (Neck rigidity/Torticollis) Hanustambha (Lockjaw), Ekangasosa (Wasting of one limb), shukraksaya (Oligospermia), Vandhyatva (Infertility), siroroga (Headache), Jihvastambha (Glossal palsy), Dantasula (Toothache), Unmada (Mania/Psychosis), Kubja (Humpback/ Kyphosis), Jvara (Fever), Jar¡ (Senility), Karsya (Emaciation), Snayubhagna (Rupture of ligament), Asthibhagna (Bone fracture).


  • 5-10 ml per day in divided doses; Nasya: 2 to 3 drops per nostril, Abhyaga (massage on affected parts) and Anuv¡sana Basti.

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.458 to 1.461
Specific gravity at 400 0.926 to 0.955
Saponification value 188 to 196
Iodine value 80 to 100
Acid value 3 to 6
Peroxide value Not more than 5
