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[[File:Valeriana jatamansi - Kunming Botanical Garden - DSC03047.JPG|thumb|right|''Jatamansi'', ''Valeriana jatamansi'']]
{{Infobox names | sanskrit = [[Jatamansi ]]| hindi = [[Jatamansi]]| kashmiri = [[Bhutijatt]]| tamil = [[Jatamaanjil]]| telugu = [[Jatamansi]]| bengali = [[Jatamansi]]| gujarati = [[Jatamansi]]}}Jatamansi or ''Nardostachys grandiflora'' is a forest perennila herb, 0.5-2 ft tall, velvet-hairy to hairy. Rhizome are elongate, with fibrous roots. Stems are 3-6 in number. Leaves at the base are heart-shaped or ovate, 2-10 cm x 1.5-8 cm, toothed or wavy-toothed. Stem leaves are stalkless, smaller, uppermost often cut. Snow-white flowers are borne in flat-topped clusters on top of the stems. Upper bracts are linear-lanceshaped, about 3 mm long. Stigma is 3-fid. Seed-pods are velvety, shorter than the upper bracts. Jatamansi is found throughout the Himalayas, from Afghanistan to SW China, at altitudes of 1500-3600 m. Flowering: March-May.
== Medicinal uses ==

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