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'''KadiraarishtaKhadirāriṣṭa''' is a fermented liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 per cent, and not less than 5 per cent of alcohol that is self generated in the preparation over a period of time.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Khadira API ||[[Acacia catechu]]|| Ht. Wd|| 2.4 kg
| Devad¡ru Devadāru API|| [[Cedrus deodara ]]||Ht. Wd|| 2.4 kg
| B¡kuc¢ Bākucī API ||[[Psoralea corylifolia ]]||Sd.|| 576 g
| D¡rv¢ Dārvī (D¡ruharidr¡ Dāruharidrā API)|| [[Berberis aristata]]|| St.|| 960 g
| Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API|| [[Terminalia chebula]]|| P.|| 960 g
| Bibh¢taka Bibhītaka API|| [[Terminalia belerica ]]||P.|| 960 g
| Ëmalak¢ āmalakī API ||[[Emblica officinalis ]]||P. ||960 g
| Jala for decoction ||Water|| || 98.304 l
|reduced to || || ||12.288 l
| M¡kÀika Mākṣika (Madhu API) ||Honey|| || 9.6 kg
| áarkar¡ Śarkarā API ||Cane sugar || ||4.8 kg
|PrakÀepa Prakṣepa Dravyas:
| Dh¡tak¢ Dhātakī API ||[[Woodfordia fruticosa]]|| Fl.|| 960 g
| Ka´kola Kaṅkola API ||[[Piper cubeba]]|| Fr.|| 48 g
| N¡gake¿ara Nāgakeśara API|| [[Mesua ferrea ]]||Stmn. ||48 g
| J¡t¢phala Jātīphala API|| [[Myristica fragrans]]|| Sd.|| 48 g
| Lava´ga Lavaṅga API ||[[Syzygium aromaticum ]]||Fl. Bd. ||48 g
| El¡ Elā (S£kÀmail¡ Sūkṣmailā API) ||[[Elettaria cardamomum ]]||Sd. ||48 g
| Tvak API ||[[Cinnamomum zeylanicum]]|| St. Bk. ||48 g
| Patra (Tejapatra API)|| [[Cinnamomum tamala ]]||Lf. ||48 g
| K¤À¸¡ Kṛṣṇā (Pippal¢APIPippalī API) ||[[Piper longum ]]||Fr.|| 192 g
==Therapeutic uses==
*Mahakushtha Mahākuṣṭha (skin Skin diseases), Hrdroga Hṛdroga (heart Heart diseases), Pandu Pāṇḍu (anaemiaAnaemia), Arbuda (tumorTumor), Gulma (abdominal Abdominal lump), Granthi (cystsCysts), Krimi Kṛmi (worm Worm infestation), Kasa Kāsa (coughCough), shvasa Śvāsa (asthmaAsthma), Plihodara Plīhodara (splenomegalySplenomegaly).
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Skin diseases]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Heart diseases]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Anaemia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Tumor]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Cysts]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abdominal lump]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Worm infestation]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Cough]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Asthma]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Splenomegaly]]

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