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Smilax zeylanica - Ushaba

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[[File:Smilax zeylanica fruits.jpg|thumb|right|''Smilax zeylanica'']]
'''Smilax zeylanica''' is a plant species in the genus Smilax. Its leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. The plant is widespread in India, and native in other parts of the Indian Subcontinent as well as in Myanmar, Malaysia, Java and Solomon Islands.
{{Uses|venereal Venereal diseases}}, {{Uses|skin troublesSkin problems}}, {{Uses|soresSores}}, {{Uses|dysenteryDysentery}}, {{Uses|ulcerUlcer}}, {{Uses|gonorrheaGonorrhea}}, {{Uses|toothacheToothache}}, {{Uses|pyorrheaPyorrhea}}, {{Uses|Sore throats}} ===Food===Smilax zeylanica can be used in Food. Tender leaves and tender fruits are cooked as vegetable.<ref name="Forest foods of Western Ghat"/>
==Parts Used==
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=kaadu Kaadu hambu, kaadu Kaadu hambu thaavare|ml=kaltamaraKaltamara, karivilantiKarivilanti|sa=Vanamadhusnahi|ta=ayadiAyadi, malaittamaraiMalaittamarai|te=Kondadantena|hi=Kumarika, Jangli aushbahAushbah|en=Kumarika}}
Kapha, Vata
===Nutritional components===
Smilax zeylanica Contains the Following nutritional components like - Vitamin- A, B and C; Glycosides, Diosgenin, Saponins, B-sitosterol, Sarsapogenin/ Smilagenin, Flavanoids, Alkaloids; Tannins; Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc<ref name="Forest foods of Western Ghat"/>
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
* [[Vishatinduka Taila]] as ''root juice extract''
==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.
==How to plant/cultivate==
Easily grown in most soils, preferring a calcareous soil. Thrives in a dry lightly shaded position, though it prefers full sun.Plants usually self-sow quite freely when growing in a suitable position. The seeds are contained in burrs that can easily attach themselves Smilax zeylanica is available through June to clothing or animal's fur, thus transporting them to a new area where they can germinate and grow.The cultivar 'Sweet scented' is popular in France for making tea because the whole plant is sweet scented and the flowers have a spicy apricot-like fragranceJanuary<ref name="How to plant/cultivateForest foods of Western Ghat"/>.
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Tropical partsareas}}, {{Commonly seen|Eastern Himalayas}}, {{Commonly seen|Borders of forests and fields}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
File:OdermennigSmilax ceylanica leaf.jpgJPG  File:Agrimonia eupatoria02Smilax ceylanica leaves from Periya.jpgImage:Agrimonia eupatoria MHNT Smilax zeylanica 01.BOTJPG  Smilax zeylanica 02.2004JPG  Smilax zeylanica 03.0.jpgJPG 
<ref name="Leaf">[ "Plant Diagnostic"]</ref>
 <ref name="How to plant/cultivateForest foods of Western Ghat">[ "practical palntsForest food for Northern region of Western Ghats"]by Dr. Mandar N. Datar and Dr. Anuradha S. Upadhye, Page No.137, Published by Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science (MACS) Agharkar Research Institute, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Road, Pune</ref>

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