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Artabotrys hexapetalus - Harachampaka

302 bytes removed, 3 years ago
{{Flower|Bisexual|Solitary|Yellow|Many|Flowers solitary or paired on terminal or leaf opposed hooked peduncles, ca 2 cm across, fragrant; pedicels ca 1 cm long, pubescent. Sepals ovate, recurved, 5-7.5 x 5-6 cm, pubescent. Petals lanceolate, saccate or concave at base; outer ones 2-3 x 0.5-0.7 cm; the inner slightly smaller, appressed-villous. Stamens many, anthers beaked concealing the anther cells. Carpels many, oblong, pubescent or glabrous; ovules 2; stigma clavate}}

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