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[[File:Starr 060810-8484 Clerodendrum indicum.jpg|thumb|right|''Clerodendrum indicum'']]
 '''Clerodendrum indicum''' is a semideciduous, perennial plant with stems that are sometimes herbaceous but more often become woody, with the plant adopting the habit of a shrub or a small tree. Growing from an aggressively suckering, stoloniferous rootstock, the The plant can be groows up to 3 metres tall, the . The stems usually very straight or arching, mostly unbranched, hollow.  
{{Uses|Asthma}}, {{Uses|Skin problems}}, {{Uses|CoughsCough}}, {{Uses|Syphilitic rheumatism}}, {{Uses|Abdominal tumors}}, {{Uses|Tuberculosis}}, {{Uses|Chronic respiratory disorder}}, {{Uses|Jaundice}}, {{Uses|Disorder of liver}}, {{Uses|Joint pain}}, {{Uses|Headache}}, {{Uses|Worm infetsation}}, {{Uses|Digestive fire}}.
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Seeds}}, {{Parts Used|stemStem}}, {{Parts Used|leavesLeaves}}, {{Parts Used|RootRoots}}.
==Chemical Composition==
The leaves contain flavonoids—scutellarein (0.5%), hispidulin (0.1%) and their 7-O-glucuronides; also sterols. Flowers contain beta-sitosterol and triterpenoids. The bark yields hexitol and sorbitol. <ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=angaravalliAngaravalli, baaleyaBaaleya, bangaali Bangaali bhaarangi|ml=cerutekkuCerutekku|sa=bhargiBhargi, bharngiBharangi, brahmanyastikaBrahmanyastika, phangiPhangi|ta=isanguIsangu, kavalaiKavalai, kovalaiKovalai, narivalaiNarivalai|te=bhaarangiBhaarangi, bharangiBharangi|hi=barangiBarangi, chingariChingari|en=Tubeflower, Turk's-Turban, Sky Rocket, Bowing Lady}}
{{Leaf|ParipinnateSimple|OblongLanceolate|Leaf Arrangementis AlternateLeaves in whorls of 3-spiral4, 7-22 x 2-4 cm, linear-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, base attenuate to acute, margin entire or more or less toothed, apex acute or acuminate, sessile or subsessile}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|UnisexualBisexual|2-4cm longTerminal panicles|pinkWhite|4|Flowering throughout Bracts foliaceous resembling the year and In terminal and/or axillary pseudoracemesleaves in all respects but smaller; bracteoles 5-12 x 2-3 mm, linear.}}
{{Fruit|oblong podPyrenes|Thinly septate||Frit 4-lobed, blue-black, pilose1-1.3 cm across; pyrenes 1-4, wrinkled||1-seeded; fruiting-calyx accrescent, fleshy, bright red.|seeds upto 5|Fruiting throughout the year}}
===Other features===
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|tropical regionTropical area}}, {{Commonly seen|Temperate regionSub Tropical area}}, {{Commonly seen|hammocks}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<ref name="chemical composition">["Chemistry" Chemical constituents]</ref><ref name="Leaf">[ "Morphology"]Kappatagudda - A Repertoire of Medicianal Plants of Gadag by Yashpal Kshirasagar and Sonal Vrishni, Page No. 131</ref><ref name="How to plant/cultivate">["Cultivation detail"]</ref>
==External Links==
* [ Clerodendrum indicum on]
* [ Clerodendrum indicum on]

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