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Ayurwiki:Featured Page/August

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[[File:Alstonia scholaris Asparagus racemosus plant.JPG|thumb|right|''Doddapala'', ''SaptaparnaShatavari'']]
'''Alstonia scholarisAsparagus racemosus''' is a medium to large stately treespecies of asparagus. It is common throughout Nepal, Sri Lanka, growing India and the Himalayas. It grows one to about 40 two metres tall. It is found prefers to take root in the Sub-Himalayan tracts ascending to 900m from Jammu eastwards and western peninsula mostly gravelly, rocky soils high up in deciduous and evergreen forestspiedmont plains.
'''Uses:''' Chest PainGastric ulcers , Dyspepsia, Galactogogue, HeadacheIntrinsic haemorrhage, StomachacheDiarrhoea, Gastric problemsPiles, Hoarseness of voice, Cough, Arthritis, FeverPoisoning, Skin diseasesRejuvinative, Intestinal wormsIncreases breast milk,DiabetesIncrease strength, VomitingInfertility.
'''Mode of Propagation:'''Seeds, Root division.
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-moz-appearance: none;">[[Alstonia scholaris Asparagus racemosus - Saptaparna, DoddapalaShatavari|Read more]]</span>

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