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Musa paradisiaca - Rambha

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[[File:Kyaanle (Konkani- क्यांळे) (3781826512).jpg|thumb|right|''Rambha'', ''Musa paradiasiaca'']]
'''Rambha''', Banana is a large, perennial plant growing around 8 metres tall[417]. Looking somewhat like a tree, it . It is a herbaceous plant whose top growth dies after flowering, to be replaced by new growth from the rootstock. Bananas are a staple food and one of the most prolific of all food crops. 
{{Uses|Burns}}, {{Uses|Renal calculi}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Aphrodisiac}}, {{Uses|Bleeding disorders}}
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=baale Baale hannu|ml=valaVala, kadalivalaKadalivala|sa=kadalaKadala, kadali, rambhaKadali|ta=vaazhaiVaazhai|te=aratti, ariti chettuAratti|hi=kelaKela|en=Banana}}
<ref name="Common names"/>
{{Leaf|Bipinnate|alternateAlternate|root Root stock large; stem formed by the imbricate base of petioles. Leaves simple, large, with a thick midnerve and pinnately parallel nerves. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Terminal spicate|Pale yellow|5|bracts Bracts spathaceous, large. Sepals and petals connate. Lip free, transparent. Stamens 5, fertile, with a sterile staminode. Ovary inferior, 3-celled; ovules many, axile; style filiform, with a lobulate stigma. }}
==How to plant/cultivate==
The propagation is through shoots from the rhizomes, since most of the seeds species are sterile.<ref name="Cultivation details"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
==External Links==
* [ Musa paradisiaca - Rambhaon] * [ detailsMusa paradisiaca on]

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