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Citrus limon - Bijapuraka, Jambira

573 bytes removed, 4 years ago
'''Citrus limon''' is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae and it is native to Asia.
{{Uses|common Common cold}}, {{Uses|coughCough}}, {{Uses|cancer Cancer}}, {{Uses|kidney Kidney stone}}, {{Uses|systolic Systolic blood pressure}}, {{Uses|acid Acid reflux}},{{Uses|gastritisGastritis}}, {{Uses|arthritisArthritis}}, {{Uses|gouty Gouty diathesis}}.
==Parts Used==
==Chemical Composition==
All parts of the plants of citrus sp. contain coumarins and psoralins. The fruits contain flavonoids and limonoids. The flavonoids comprise three main groups—flavanones, flavones and 3-hydroxyflavylium (anthocyanins); flavanones being predominantly followed by flavones and anthocyanins. Bitter flavonoids do not occur in lemon and lime. Lemon juice is a richer source of antiscorbutic vitamin (contains 40–50 mg/100 g of vitamin C) than lime, and a fair source of carotene and vitamin B. Volatile oil (about 2.5% of the peel) consists of about 75% limonene, alpha-and beta-pinenes, alpha-terpinene and citral. The fruit juice also contains coumarins and bioflavonoids.<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Nimbe hannu|ml=|Nimbe hannusa=|ta=Elumichai|te=Nimma pandu|hi=Nimbu,Nilbu|en=ALime or Sour lime}}
{{Leaf|Simple|ovateOvate|margin Margin of leaves are conspicuously crenulate}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|2-4cm long|pale Pale yellow|5|Flowers solitary or several in fascicles}}
{{Fruit|ellipsoid Ellipsoid to ovoid|7–10 mm|Fruits are yellow, ellipsoid to ovoid, narrowed at both ends, surface usually coarse and lemon scented|apex Apex acute|Seeds ovoid}}
===Other features===
<ref name="chemical composition">[ "chemistry"Chemistry]</ref><ref name="Ayurvedic preparations">[ "Ayurvedic preparations"]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[ "morphology"Morphology]</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "planting Planting of lemon"]</ref>
==External Links==
* [ lemon Lemon on plant]* [ lemon Lemon tree on botonical]* [ lemon Lemon on encyclopedea britanicca]
* [ Jambira on missouri botonical garden]
[[Category:Ayurvedic herbs that don't have seed photos]]

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