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{{Fruit|A capsule|2.7-3 x 0.3-0.4 cm||densely pubescent, opening widely in a reflexed curve|seeds 4, 3-4 mm across, compressed angular, orbicular, wrinkled sub-tuberculate, rugose with double dentate margin.}}
{{Fruit|A capsule|2.7-3 x 0.3-0.4 cm||Densely pubescent, opening widely in a reflexed curve|Seeds 4, 3-4 mm across, compressed angular, orbicular, wrinkled sub-tuberculate, rugose with double dentate margin.}}
===Other features===
===Other features===

Revision as of 15:08, 12 March 2020

Lavana-valli, Asystasia gangetica

Lavana-valli is a perennial plant with weak stems 1 metre or more long. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. It is often cultivated as an ornamental and ground cover plant in tropical and subtropical areas.


Asthma, Inflammation, Rheumatism, Intestinal worms, Pain in delivery [1]

Parts Used

Leaves, Flowers

Chemical Composition

Common names

Language Common name
Kannada Lavangavalli, Maithaala kaddi, Medde soppu
Hindi NA
Malayalam Valli-upu-dali
Tamil Aanaikundrimani, Anai kundumani
Telugu Mukka mungera, Poda beera, Tappeta, Venna kattethige
Marathi NA
Gujarathi NA
Punjabi NA
Kashmiri NA
Sanskrit Lavana-valli
English Chinese Violet



Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.












Kind Shape Feature
Simple Opposite Leaves opposite decussate, 3.5-5.5 x 2.5-4.5 cm, ovate deltoid, sub-cordate to cordate at base, acute or rarely obtuse at apex, entire, adpressed puberulent above, pale and tomentose beneath; lateral veins 6- 8 pairs; petiole 1-2 cm long, densely adpressed puberulent



Type Size Color and composition Stamen More information
Bisexual 7 - 8 Flowered spike like raceme Pale yellow or white 4 Rachis 5-14 cm long; bracts and bracteoles c. 1.5 cm long, green, linear, acute, pubescent, persistent. Calyx divided to the base or nearly so, lobes 5, linear-lanceolate, 6-.8 mm long, acute, densely pubescent on both surface. Corolla tube funnel- shaped, 3-3.2 cm long, pubescent, limb 3.5-4 cm across, moderate yellow or white, lobes 5, rounded. Stamens 4, didynamous, included, filaments 6-8 mm long, with few small hairs, connate at the base in pairs; anthers oblong, 2-3 mm long, muticous. Ovary c. 2 cm long, pubescent, 2 celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style linear, 1.5-1.8 cm long, basal portion hairy; stigma 2-fid or subcapitate.


Type Size Mass Appearance Seeds More information
A capsule 2.7-3 x 0.3-0.4 cm Densely pubescent, opening widely in a reflexed curve Seeds 4, 3-4 mm across, compressed angular, orbicular, wrinkled sub-tuberculate, rugose with double dentate margin. {{{6}}}

Other features

List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used

Where to get the saplings

Mode of Propagation

Seeds, Cuttings.

How to plant/cultivate

Seeds readily sprout, as do cuttings.

Commonly seen growing in areas

Tropical area, Sub tropical area

Photo Gallery


External Links