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{{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}.
{{Leaf|Bipinnate|Alternate|branchlets, rachises and inflorescence densely, minutely, light brown tomentellous; the branches and the underside of the rachises with recurved, hooked, smooth prickles, those on the branchlets 2-4 mm long, their base broad. Leanes alternate, bipinnate; rachis up to 15 cm long with 4 cm petiolar part which has scattered c. 1 mm long prickles and a large, flattish, oval gland near its base; smaller, more rounded flattened glands are found between the bases of the upper 1-3 pairs of pinnae; pinnae 7-18 pairs, up to 4 cm long with slender, sparsely tomentellous rachillae without thorns; leaflets sessile, chartaceous, overlapping, usually glabrous with fimbriate margins, very small, 30-50 pairs, very narrow, linear, base oblique, midrib diagonal, running along and very near the margins, 2-3 x 0.5-1 mm, mucronate.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Axillary and terminal panicles of heads|Creamish white||Flower heads globose, 1-3 together in leaf axils and these combined into a terminal, many-umbelled panicles, up to 20 cm long, densely pale brown tomentellous. Heads 1-2 cm diameter. Flowers subsessile; bracts spathulate, apical part fimbriate. Buds brown red. Calyx thin, campanulate, 1.5-2 mm long, glabrous or very minutely and shortly pilose, the teeth distinct, 1 mm long, brown red. Corolla hardly 1 mm longer than the calyx, light green, the tips of the lobes green or red brown.}}
{{Fruit|Pods|15-20 x 2-3 cm||strap-shaped, flat with slightly raised sutures, smooth, reddish brown, thin, the suture straight with few or no indents, dehiscent, along both sutures, distinctly stalked, apex acute; seeds 6-12, flat, round; the pod slightly bullate over the seeds.||}}
===Other features===
<ref name="chemical composition">["chemistry"]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[https://indiabiodiversity.org/species/show/32012"morphology"]</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "Cultivation"]</ref>