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Ayurwiki:Featured Page/June/Week/2

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'''Sauropus androgynusAristolochia grandiflora''' is a botanical name of Multivitamin Plant. Malaysia is the home town of Katuk. Katuk has very useful plant which is used in food pelican flower and it contains many health benifitory factors. Hence it is called as Multivitamin Planta deciduous vine with one of the world's largest flowers that emits an odor that smells like rotting meat, attracting flies.
[[File:1Aristolochia grandiflora-Acacia ferruginea 03IMG 4616.JPGjpg|thumb|right|'''Banni'''Aristolochia grandiflora]]
'''Chemical CompositionUses''':AdenosineIncrease sexual desire,deoxySnakebite, methylsulphinyl‐adenosineIntestinal pain, and uridineGallbladder pain, two flavonol diosideArthritis, β‐D‐glucosylGout, Rhamnosyl‐kaempferolAchy joints, glucosylRheumatism, glucosyl‐kaempferolEczema, and one rare flavonol triosideWeight loss, glucosyl, glucosyl, rhamno‐syl‐kaempferolWounds.
'''Chemical Composition''': It includs aristolochic acids and esters, aristolactams, aporphines, protoberberines, isoquinolines, benzylisoquinolines, amides, flavonoids, lignans, biphenyl ethers, coumarins, tetralones, terpenoids, benzenoids, steroids. <span style="width: 100%; background-color: #90EE90; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; text-align: right; clear: right; margin-left: 0;">[[Sauropus androgynus Aristolochia grandiflora - Duck flower - Vitamin PlantRead more]]</span>

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