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Yoga Sutra 1.6

64 bytes added, 5 years ago
Glossary listed!
''#pramāṇa: '':right knowledge; ''#viparyaya: '':false knowledge; ''#vikalpa: '':illusion, imagination; ''#nidrā: '':sleep; ''#smṛtayaḥ: '':memory, recollections'' 
:'''The fivefold modifications of mind are right knowledge, false knowledge, illusion, sleep and memory.'''
 '''Five kinds of vrittis''': One should realize that the final aim of yoga is total destruction of the patterns or modifications of the manifestation of mind or consciousness.
To illustrate; there are different idols of different shape that can be made from clay or mud, and can be dissolved back to its original form, mud. Similarly the mind or consciousness has to be divested of all its forms, so that it remains nameless and formless, which is the ultimate goal of yoga.
[[Category:Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali]]
[[Category:Samadhi Pāda]]

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