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Aṣṭāṅga Yoga

870 bytes added, 5 years ago
Eight Stages: +Pranayama..
'''Asana''' as per Patanjali is a steady and comfortable sitting position. Asana in Ashtanga Yoga includes only the meditative postures, such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana, etc, unlike various Asanas in Hatha Yoga. Here the purpose is to balance the different nerve impulses, feelings of pain and pleasure, heat and cold and all other opposite sensations which distracts the mind, body and soul.
'''Pranayama''' : As per Patanjali [[Yoga Sutra 34]], to control the Prana and its energies, we need to control our mind, also the mind needs to be pure and steady.Human Mental Structures can be divided into four kinds, such as dynamic, emotional, mystic and rational. For the dynamic person, Karma Yoga is best suited. The Emotional ones should prefer Bhakti Yoga who can surrender to God; and most people belong to this category. The mystic people are in favour of practicing Raja Yoga and the allied practices of Hatha Yoga, Swara Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Nada Yoga, and trataka, etc. And the Rational people are Jnana Yogis, who read the Upanishads, the Gita, and other philosophies to know the deeper aspects of life, the universe, the Supreme Being and meditation. Also many have the mixture of these four tendencies, and they can practice a variety of sadhanas recommended by [[Patanjali]].  

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