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Kanaka Taila

14 bytes added, 6 years ago
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==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
|Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢ Yaṣṭī API)|| Glycyrrhiza glabra ||Rt.|| 768 g
| Jala API for decoction|| Potable Water|| – ||3.072 ml
| Taila (Tila Taila API) ||Sesame oil|| –|| 192 g
| Priya´gu Priyaṅgu API ||Calicarpa macrophylla ||Fl.|| 6.4 g
| MaµjiÀ¶h¡ Mañjiṣṭhā API|| Rubia cordifolia ||St. ||6.4 g
| Candana (Rakta Candana API) ||Pterocarpus santalinus|| Ht. Wd.|| 6.4 g
| Utpala API ||Nymphaea stellata ||Fl.|| 6.4 g
| Ke¿ara keṣara (N¡gake¿ara Nāgakeṣara API)|| Mesua ferrea ||Stmn.|| 6.4 g
==Method of preparation==
*Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Treat Tila taila to prepare [[murcchitamūrcchita]] Tila taila.*Wash, clean, dry the ingredient number 1 of the Formulation Composition, powder and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) ([[kvatha kvātha dravya]]).*Add water for decoction to the kvatha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain [[kvathakvātha]].
*Wash, dry the ingredients numbered 4 to 8 ([[Kalka]] dravya) of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 180 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 85) to obtain fine powder.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Mukha roga (Diseases of oral cavity), Vyatga Vyaṅga (Local hyper pigmentation), Nilika Nīlikā (Mole).

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