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Punarnavā Guggulu

22 bytes added, 6 years ago
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*Take all the ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredients number 7 to 19 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve number 85, weigh them separately in the required quantities and mix.
*Crush weighed quantity of Guggulu-shuddhaŚuddha.
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredients number 1 to 3 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve number 40. Soak the coarse powder mixture in 8 times of potable water for 12 h.
*Gently heat the mixture to boil and continue the boiling to reduce the volume of the mixture to half of its original volume.
*Stop the boiling and filter while still warm through a muslin cloth.
*Boil the filtrate (KvathaKvātha) in an iron vessel. Add shuddhaŚuddha-Guggulu to Kvatha Kvātha and concentrate to Gudaapaka Guḍapāka (semi-solid) condition.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*V¡tarakta Vātarakta (Gout), Vrddhiroga Vṛddhiroga (hydrocoel disease), Grdhrasi Gṛdhrasī (sciatica), JadghaJaṅghā-Íruūru-Prshthapṛṣṭha-Trika Sthana trika-sthāna and Vastigata sula vastigata śūla (pain in urinary bladder), Amavata Āmavāta (rheumatism).
Dose:2-3 g daily in divided doses.

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