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Gokṣurādi Guggulu

515 bytes added, 6 years ago
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*Spherical pills, black in colour with pleasant odour and bitter taste.
*Storage: Store in a cool place in tightly closed container, protect from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
Prameha (increased frequency and turbidity of urine), Mutrakrcchra (dysuria), Mutraghata (urinary obstruction), Amari (calculus), Pradara (excessive vaginal discharge), Vatarakta (gout), Vataroga (disease due to Vata Dosha /neurological disease), shukra Dosha (vitiation of semen).
*2 - 3 g daily in divided doses
*Musta Kvatha, Pashnabheda Kvatha, Usira Kvatha

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