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823 bytes added, 6 years ago
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*Clear dark brown liquid without frothing and significant sedimentation; with aromatic odour and bitter taste.
*Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber coloured bottle, protect from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
*Arsa (piles), Bhagandara (fistula in-ano), Pandu (anaemia), Kamala (jaundice), Udara (diseases of abdomen), Mutravibandha (retention of urine), Agnimandya (dyspepsia), Aruci (anorexia), Chardi (emesis), Graha¸ (malabsorption syndrome), Gulma (abdominal lump), Kasa (cough), shvasa (asthma), Kshaya (pthisis), Dhatukshaya (tissue wasting), Vatavyadhi (disorder due to Vata Dosha), Kushtha (disease of skin), Meha (excessive flow of urine), sharkara (gravel in urine), Asmaru (calculus), Vandhyatva (infertility), Karsya (emaciation), shukrakshaya (deficiency of semen), Daurbalya (weakness).
*15 – 30 ml orally with equal amount of water after meals twice a day.

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