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Apāmārga Kṣāra

624 bytes added, 6 years ago
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*Fine powder, passing through sieve number 100, hygroscopic, odour faint and taste saline, freely soluble in water..
*Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
*Gulma (Abdominal Lump), Udara-śūla (Pain in the abdomen), Grahanī (malabsorption syndrome), Vishūcikā (Gastro-enteritis with piercing pain), Alasaka (Intestinal atony), Ajīrna (Dyspepsia), Aruci (tastelessness), Ānāha (distention of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stool), Arśa (Piles), Śarkarā (gravel in urine), Aśmarī (Calculus), Krmi (Helminthiasis), Āntarvidradhi (Hernia), Śvāsa (Asthma).
*125 to 500 mg daily in divided dose.

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