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Yoga Sutra 1.1

230 bytes added, 6 years ago
+common meaning considered widely
atha yoga-anuśāsanam ॥1॥</blockquote>
''Athaatha'':now begins/therefore; ''yoga'':regarding yoga; ''anuśāsanam'':instructions or prior discipline or instructions
:'''And now begins (atha) the instruction (anuśāsanam) regarding Yoga (yoga).'''
:'''Now, therefore, complete instructions regarding yoga.'''
Before Basically it means, one is ready with the preparations to start applying these instructions regading yoga. As per Swami Satyananda, before parcticing this yoga shastra, one need to have followed karma yoga to purify his mind, body and bhakti yoga to unify the mental tendencies in order to be ready to apply these sutras in his/her life. Those with impure minds and wavering tendencies are unable to practise what has been instructed in this shastra.

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