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Yoga Sutra 1.5

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वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टाक्लिष्टाः ॥५॥

vṛttayaḥ pañcatayyaḥ kliṣṭākliṣṭāḥ ॥5॥

  1. vṛttayaḥ: modifications of mind
  2. pañcatayyaḥ: fivefold, five kinds
  3. kliṣṭā: painful, unpleasant
  4. akliṣṭāḥ: painless

Modifications of mind are fivefold; they are either painful or painless.

Vrittis - main classification: The vrittis are of five kinds, they can be painful or painless as per what you see, hear, think, feel and experience. According to the yogic system, every dimension of knowledge, every kind of thought and every field of awareness is one of the vrittis of the mind. Even the state of sleep and dream are mental condition just like doubt, illusion, mistakes in thinking, worriness, jealousy, compassion, love, etc.

In Mandukya Upanishad, scholar Goudapadacharya has written, "The whole world seems to be nothing but one of the forms of mental modifications of a supreme consciousness."
