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Azadiracta indica - Nimba, Neem

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Neem, Nimba

Azadirachta indica also known as Neem. It is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of the two species in the genus Azadirachta and is native to India and the Indian subcontinent including Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.


Skin diseases, Hair problems, Liver problems, Detoxify the blood, Fever, Blotches, Dental problems, Cough, Asthma, Ulcer, Piles, Skin disease, Worm infestation, Blood purifier, Wound.[1]

Parts Used

Bark, Leaves, Seeds.

Chemical Composition

It contains Nimbandiol, Immobile, Nimocinol, Quercetin, and Beta-sitosterol And Two additional tetracyclic triterpenoids zafaral[2]

Common names

Language Common name
Kannada Kirubevu, Turakabevu
Hindi Neem
Malayalam Ayurveppu, Nimbam
Tamil Veppa, Vembu
Telugu Vepa
Marathi NA
Gujarathi NA
Punjabi NA
Kashmiri NA
Sanskrit Nimbaka, Pakvakrita
English Neem tree, Yepa


Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.



Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)


Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)


Sheeta (Cold)


Katu (Pungent)


Kapha, Pitta






Kind Shape Feature
Simple Alternate Leaves alternate, crowded near the end of branches, simply pinnate, 20-40 cm long, exstipulate, light green, with 2 pairs of glands at the base



Type Size Color and composition Stamen More information
Unisexual 1-2 cm long Greenishyellow 5-20 Flowers Season is June - August


Type Size Mass Appearance Seeds More information
7–10 mm (0.28–0.4 in.) long pome Fruit 1 (max. 2)-seeded drupe, ellipsoidal, 1-2 cm long, greenish, to yellow or purple when ripe Each about half of the seed’s weight Many {{{6}}}

Other features

List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used

Where to get the saplings

Mode of Propagation

Seeds, Cuttings.

How to plant/cultivate

Seeds are collected from June to August. It should be collected from 5 to 6 years old trees. Only fresh and ripe seeds should be collected. Seeds remain viable for a short period of 2 to 3 weeks only should be sown immediately[4]

Commonly seen growing in areas

Tall grasslands, Meadows, Borders of forests and fields.

Photo Gallery


  1. Jump up Karnataka Aushadhiya Sasyagalu By Dr.Maagadi R Gurudeva, Page no:267
  2. Jump up Pharmacology
  3. Jump up Botonic descroption
  4. Jump up Cultivation method

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