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Daśamūla Harītakī

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Daśamūla Harītakī is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.

Formulation composition

Daśamūla Kaṣāya Decoction of Da¿am£la Kv¡tha C£r¸a 3.072 l
(a.) Bilva API Aegle marmelos Rt./St. Bk.
(b.) Agnimantha API Premna mucronata (Official substitute) Rt./St. Bk.
(c.) Śyonāka API Oroxylum indicum Rt./St. Bk.
(d.) Kāśmarī (Gambh¡r¢) API Gmelina arborea Rt./St. Bk.
(e.) Pāṭhalā API Stereospermum suaveolens Rt./St. Bk.
(f.) Śālaparṇī API Desmodium gangeticum Pl.
(g.) Pṛṣniparṇī API Uraria picta Pl.
(h.) Śvadaṁṣtrā (Gokṣura) API Tribulus terrestris Pl.
(i.) Bṛhatī API Solanum indicum Pl.
(j.) Kāṇṭakārī API Solanum surattense Pl.
Jala for decoction Water 12.288 l
reduced to 3.072 l
Pathyā (Harītaki API) Terminalia chebula Fr. P. 100 in number
Guḍa API Jaggery 4.8 kg
Tvak API Cinnamomum verum (=C. zeylanicum) St. Bk. 48 g
Elā (Sūkṣmailā API) Elettaria cardamomum Sd. 48 g
Patra (Tejapatra API) Cinnamomum tamala Lf. 48 g
Śuṇṭhī API Zingiber officinale Rz. 48 g
Marica API Piper nigrum Fr. 48 g
Pippalī API Piper longum Fr. 48 g
Yavaṣūkāja (Yavakṣāra API) Hordeum vulgare Water soluble ash of Pl. 12 g
Kṣaudra (Madhu API) Honey

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Take the powders of Dashamoola ingredients in a steel vessel, mix well to make a uniform mixture, add water and soak it overnight.
  • Filter the decoction (Kashaya) through muslin cloth.
  • Heat the above mixture to about 1000, till the water reduces to one fourth the volume and Haritaki becomes soft.
  • Remove the bundle of Haritaki from Dashamoolaa Kashaya, separate the pulp of the boiled Haritaki and pulverize in a grinder to make a homogenous paste.[1]


  • Brown semi solid, sticky paste, with spicy odour and sweet, pungent taste.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed amber coloured containers, to protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Śopha (Oedema), Arocaka (Tastelessness), Gara-Udararoga (Abdominal disorder due to slow/accumulated poison), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Plīhāroga (Splenic disease), Vaivarṇya (Discoloration), Mutrakicchra (Dysuria), shukradosha (Vitiation of semen), Śvāsa (Asthma), Jvara (Fever), Meha (Excessive flow of urine), Kārṣya (Emaciation), Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder), Āmavāta (Rheumatism).


  • 6 to 12 g twice a day.


  • water, milk

Physico-chemical parameters

Total Ash Not more than 2.0 per cent
Acid insoluble ash Not more than 0.13 per cent
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 74 per cent
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 70 per cent
Reducing suga 25 to 35 per cent
Non-reducing sugar 20 to 30 per cent
pH (5 % aqueous solution) 3.96 to 4.08
