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Naadis and Chakras

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*Some nadis, dhamanis and siras may correspond to arteries, veins and capillaries of the respiratory and circulatory system. They may also be nerves, channels and ducts of the nervous, lymphatic, glandular, digestive and gentio – urinary systems of the physical and physiological body. Others carry vital energy to the mental body, intellectual energy to the intellectual body, and spiritual energy to the casual or spiritual body. The terminating point of each nadi is to be found in follivle, cell or hair. They function as inlets and outlets of various energies. In all, 5.9 billion of them flow in the gross, subtle and casual bodies. No wonder it is said that the body is full of nadis.
*Kundalini is divine cosmic energy. The world is derived from 'kundala', meaning a ring or coil. The latent energy is symbolised as a sleeping serpent with three and a half coils; it has its tail in its mouth, which faces downwards. It lies at the hollow base of the susumna, two digits below the genital area and two above the anus.
*The three coils represents the three states of mind (avastha), namely awake (jagrt), dreaming (svapna) and in deep sleep (susupti). There is a fourth state, turiaya, combining and transcending the others, which is represented by the last half-coil. It is attained in samadhi.
*The hatha toga pradipika (III,1) states that as Adi Sesa, the lord of serpents, supports the universe, so kundalini uploads all the disciplines of yoga.
*The energy which passes through the ida, pingala and susumna is called bindu, literally a point having no parts or no magnitude. These three nadis represent respectively the nadis of the moon, the sun and fire. Before the word 'kundalini' came into vogue, 'agni' (fire) was used to present the divine power which purifies and rises upwards like fire. Through the discipline of yoga the direction of the mouth of the coiled serpentine energy is made to turn upwards. It rises like steam through the susumna via the chitra (emanating from the heart) till it reaches the sahasrara. When the creative energy (sakti) of kundalini is awakened, ida and pingala merge within the susuma. (siva samhita, V,13)
*Metal is refined by burning of the dross. By the fire of yogic discipline, the sadhaka burns up within himself the impiurities of desire, anger, greed, infatuation, pride and envy. Then his intellect becomes refined. The cosmic energy latent within him is then awakened by the grace of god and the guru (hatha yoga pradipika,III,2). As this rises, the sadhaka gets more and more in tune with the divine. He becomes free from attachment towards fruits of action (karma mukta) and unattached to life (jivana mukta).
*According to tantric texts, the object of pranayama is to arouse the latent power (sakti) called kundalini, the devine cosmic energy in our bodies, layng at the base of the spinal column in muladhara chakra, the nervous plexus situated in the pelvis above the anus at the root of the spine. This energy has to be aroused and made to ascend through the susumna from the muladhara chakra to the thousand – palled lotus in the head, network of nerves in the brain. After prercing the intervening chakras, it finally unites with the supreme soul. This is an allegorical way of describing the tremendous seminal vitality which is obtained by the practice of uddiyana, mula bandhas and self – restraint. It is a symbolic way of describing the sublimation of sexual energy.
*When the kundalini reaches the sahasrara, the sadhaka has no feeling of his own seperate identity and nothing exists for him. He has crossed the barriers of time ans space, and becomes one with the universe.
*'Cdhakras' means a wheel, a ring, chakras are flying wheels, radiating energy, located at vital centres along the spine, connecting the nadis to the various sheaths (kosas).
*As antennae pick up radio wave and transform them into sound through receiving sets, chakras pick up cosmic vibrations and distribute them throughout the body in the nadis, dhamanis and siras. The body is a counterpart of the universe, a microcosm within the macrocosm on the gross, subtle and spiritual levels.
*According to yoga texts, two other important types of energy pervade the body, that from the sun radiating through the pingala nadi, and from the moon through the ida nadi. Both these currents criss-cross at the chakras, the vital centres along rhe susumna, the nadi of fire in the spinal cord.
*To convert the energies generated within the body and to prevent their sissipation, asanas and mudras, pranayamas and bandhas were prescribed. The heat so generated causes the kundalini to unciol. The serpent lifts its head, enters the susumna through the chakras one by one to the sahasrara.
*The generation and distribution of prana in the human system may be compared to that of electrical energy. The energy of falling water or rising stem is made to rotate turbines within a magnetic field to generate electricity. The electricity is then stored in accumulators and the power is stepped up or down by transformers which regulate the voltage or current. It is then transmitted along cables to light cities and run machinery. Prana is like the falling water or rising steam. The thoracic area is the magnetic field. The breathing processes of inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath act like the turbines, while the chakras represent the accumulators and transformers. The energy generated by prana is ike electricity. It is stepped up or down by the chakras and distributed throughout the system along the nadis, dhamanis and siras, which are the transmission lines. If the power generated is not properly regulated it will desreoy th emachinery and the equipment. It is the same with prana and ojas, for they can destroy the body and the mind of the sadhaka.
*The main chakras are : (1) muladhara (mula = source, adhara = support, vital part) , situated in pelvis above the anus; (2) svadhisthana (seat of a vital force), situated above the organs of generation; (3) manipuraka, situated un the navel; (4) surya, the sun; and (5) manas (mind), between the navel and the heart; (6) anahata (heart), in the cardiac area; (7) visddhi (pure), in the pharyngeal region; (8) ajna (command), between the eyebrows; (9) soma, the moon in the centre of the brain; (10) lalata, at the top of the forehead; and (11) sahasrara, which is called the thousand – petalled lotus in the brain. The most important of them are muladhara, svadhisthana, manipuraka, anahata, visuddhi, ajna and sahasrara.
*The muladhara chakras is the seat of the element of earth and of smell. It is the base of the annamaya kosa, the body of nourishment, connected with the absorption of food and the evacuation of faces. When this chakra is activated, the sadhaka becomes firm in vitality and ready to sublimate his sexual energy.
*The svadhisthana chakra is the seat of the element of water and of taste. When it is activated, th esadhaka becomes free from disease and acquires vibrant health. Feeling no fatigue, he becomes friendly and compassionate.
*The manipuraka chakras is the seat of the element of fire and when it is activated the sadhaka obtains calmness even in adverse circumstances.
*The svadhisthana and the manipuraka chakras are the fundations of the pranamyaka kosa, the physiological body. Both have to move together, co-ordinating their functioning during inhalation and exhalation in pranayama.
*The surya chakra, commonly lies between the surya and the anahata. It is the seat of emotion, igniting imagination and creativity, and can be stabilised by pranayama involving retention of the breath.
*The anahata chakra lies in the region of the physical and the spiritual body. When activated, they strengthen the heart, develop adoration and knowledge. They free the sadhaka from sensual pleasures and make him follow the path of spirituality.
*The visuddhi chakra, in the region of the throat above the chest and at the base of the neck, is the element of ether. It represents the intellectual body. When it is activated, the sadhaka's power of understanding increases, he becomes intellectually alert. His speech becomes distinct, clear and fluent.
*The soma chakra regulates the temperature of the body.
*When the lalata chakra is activated, the sadhaka becomes the master of his destiny.
*The sahasrara chakra, also callled sahasrara dala is the seat of the supreme spirit at the end of the brahma nadi or susumna.
*When the kundalini energy reaches the sahasrara, the sadhaka has crossed all barriers and becomes an emancipated soul. This state is reflected to in the sat chakra nirupana as the state of void.
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