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Cnicus benedictus - Cnicus

1,343 bytes added, 7 years ago
Created page with "thumb|right|''Cnicus benedictus'', ''spotted thistle'' '''Cnicus benedictus''' (St. Benedict's thistle, blessed thistle, holy thistle or s..."
[[File:Cnicus benedictus flor.jpg|thumb|right|''Cnicus benedictus'', ''spotted thistle'']]

'''Cnicus benedictus''' (St. Benedict's thistle, blessed thistle, holy thistle or spotted thistle), is a thistle-like plant in the family Asteraceae, native to the Mediterranean region, from Portugal north to southern France and east to Iran. It is known in other parts of the world, including parts of North America, as an introduced species and often a noxious weed.

== Description ==

It is an annual plant growing to 60 cm tall, with leathery, hairy leaves up to 30 cm long and 8 cm broad, with small spines on the margins. The flowers are yellow, produced in a dense flowerhead (capitulum) 3–4 cm diameter, surrounded by numerous spiny basal bracts.

The related genus Notobasis is included in Cnicus by some botanists; it differs in slender, much spinier leaves, and purple flowers.

== Uses ==

*It has sometimes been used as a galactogogue to promote lactation.<ref name="uses"/>
*The roots of the blessed thistle is used by Algerian locals to heal burns and wounds.

== References ==

<ref name="uses">[ "Herbs for Increasing Milk Supply"]</ref>

== External Links ==

[ Cnicus-Wikipedia]


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