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Juglans regia - Akṣoḍa

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[[File:Raw Green Walnuts of Juglan tree in Hawraman, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq.png|thumb|right|''Akṣoḍa'', ''Juglans regia'']]
 '''Akṣoḍa''' consists of dried cotyledons of Juglans regia Linn. (Fam. Juglandaceae) It is a large deciduous, monoecious tree with tomentose shoots, found throughout the Himalayas upto an altitude of 900-3300 m.   
{{Uses|Burning sensation}}, {{Uses|General debility}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Intestinal worms}}, {{Uses|Wound healing}}
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=akrotuAkrotu, akrotu Akrotu beeja, akshotaAkshota|ml=|sa=akshotaAkshota, akhotaAkhota, karparalaKarparala, madanabhaphalaMadanabhaphala, parvatiyaParvatiya, phalasnehahPhalasnehah, rekhaphalaRekhaphala, svadu Svadu majja|ta=akkarottuAkkarottu|te=akrottuAkrottu|hi=akhrotAkhrot, khorKhor|en=black Black sea walnut, carpathian Carpathian walnut, european European walnut}}
<ref name="Common names"/>

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