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Padmasana in Mayurasana

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'''[[File:Padmasana in Mayurasana''' is an Asana. It is translated as png|thumb|right|'''''Lotus Pose Padmasana in Peacock PoseMayurasana''''' from '''Sanskrit'''.]]
The '''Padmasana in Mayurasana''' is an Asana. It is translated as '''Lotus Pose in Peacock Pose''' from '''Sanskrit'''. the name of this pose comes from "'''padma" ''' meaning "'''lotus"''', "'''mayura" ''' meaning "'''peacock"''', and "'''asana" ''' meaning "'''posture" ''' or "'''seat"'''.
# First of all start with; Padmasana… then
# Place your palms on the front after inverting your fingers (the fingers are pointing towards your body and wrists are to the front. Fingers should be well spread.
# Shift the weight of your body on your hands by raising padmasana slowly.
# Keep the torso horizontal.<ref name="Technique"/>
== Benefits Technique in pictures/animation==
#It stretches the inner thighs and hips, knees and ankles, strengthens the wrists, shoulders and abdominals.
#Promotes the sense of balance.
* Strengthens the forearms, wrists, and elbows
* Improves flexibility in the knees and ankles
* Massages the abdominal organs
* Improves digestion
* Stimulates the elimination of toxins
* Develops mental and physical balance
* Brings the three Ayurvedic doshas into harmony<ref name="Effects"/>
==Related Asanas==
* [[Adho Mukha Svanasana]]
== Cautions Special requisites==If you have any of the following disorders please don’t try this; High BP, hernia, heart disease, any type of ulcer, physical weakness, pregnancy, weakwrists and arms.
==Initial practice notes==  ==References== <references> <ref name="Technique">[ "Methodology"]</ref>    <ref name="Effects">[ "Health benefits"]</ref> </references> ==External Links==*Be careful while doing this [ Padmasana in Mayurasana on]* [ Padmasana in Mayurasana on]* [ if you have ankle, knee, hip, shoulder or wrist injuries/ Padmasana in Mayurasana on]
[[Category:Curative Asanas for - Arms and abdominal organs]]

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