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Prabhanjana vimardana Taila

625 bytes added, 1 year ago
Formulation composition
'''Prabhanjana vimardana Taila''' is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Tila taila as the basic ingredient.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Bal¡ (API) ||[[Sida cordifolia]]|| Rt. ||25.6 g
| áat¡var¢ API ||[[Asparagus racemosus]]|| Rt. Tr.|| 25.6 g
| áigru API ||[[Moringa oleifera ]]||St. Bk.|| 25.6 g
| Varu¸a API|| [[Crataeva nurvala ]]||St. Bk.|| 25.6 g
| Arka API|| [[Calotropis procera ]]||Rt. ||25.6 g
| Karaµjaka (Karaµja API)|| [[Pongamia pinnata ]]||St. Bk. ||25.6 g
| Era¸·a API|| [[Ricinus communis ]]||Rt.|| 25.6 g
| Kora¸¶a (Sahacara API) ||[[Barleria prionitis ]]||Pl.|| 25.6 g
| V¡jigandh¡ (A¿vagandh¡ API)|| [[Withania somnifera ]]||Rt.|| 25.6 g
| Pras¡ri¸¢ API ||[[Paederia foetida ]]||Pl. ||25.6 g
| VariÀ¶ha Paµcam£la||||||
|a. Bilva API ||[[Aegle marmelos ]]||St. Bk. ||25.6 g
|b. áyon¡ka API ||[[Oroxylum indicum ]]||Rt.|| 25.6 g
|c. Gambh¡r¢ API ||[[Gmelina arborea]]|| St. Bk. ||25.6 g
|d. P¡¶al¡ API ||[[Stereospermum suaveolens ]]||St. Bk.|| 25.6 g
|e. Agnimantha API ||[[Clerodendrum phlomidis [Premna integrifolia (Official Substitute)]]|| Rt.|| 25.6 g
| Jala API|| for decoction Potable Water|| –|| 24.576 l
| KÀ¢ra (Godugdha API)|| Cow milk|| – ||3.072 l
| [[Dadhi ]] (Godadhi (API)) ||Curd from cow milk|| –|| 1.536 kg
| K¡µjika (API) ||Sour gruel|| – ||1.536 l
| Tagara API ||[[Valeriana wallichiiwallichi]]|| Rz. ||12 g
| Amarak¡À¶ha (Devad¡ru API)|| [[Cedrus deodar]]|| Ht. Wd.|| 12 g
| El¡ (S£kÀmail¡ API) ||[[Elettaria cardamomum ]]||Sd.|| 12 g
| áu¸¶h¢ API|| [[Zingiber officinale ]]||Rz. ||12 g
| SarÀapa API ||[[Brassica campestris ]]||Sd.|| 12 g
| Coraka API|| [[Angelica glauca]]|| Rz.|| 12 g
| áat¡hv¡ API|| [[Anethum sowa]]|| Fr.|| 12 g
| Ku˦ha API ||Saussurea lappa|| Rt.|| 12 g
| Sindh£ttha (Saindhava Lava¸a (API))|| Rock salt|| –|| 12 g
| R¡sn¡ API|| [[Pluchea lanceolata [Alpinia galanga (Official Substitute)]] ||Rz.|| 12 g
| K¡l¡nus¡rik¡(Meth¢ API)|| [[Trigonella foenum-graecum]]|| Sd. ||12 g
| Vac¡ API ||[[Acorus calamus]]|| Rz. ||12 g
| Citraka API ||[[Plumbago zeylanica]]|| Rt.|| 12 g
| M¡Æs¢ (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢ API)|| Nardostachys jatamansi ||Rz. ||12 g
==Therapeutic uses==
*Vatagulma (abdominal Abdominal lump due to Vata Doshavata dosha), Vatavidradhi (abscess Abscess due to Vata Doshavata dosha), Antravrddhi (Hernia), sula (painPain), Ardita (facial Facial palsy), Vataroga (diseases Diseases due to Vata Dosha vata dosha /neurological Neurological disease), Katisula (lower Lower backache), Prsthasula (lumbagoLumbago), Mudhagarbha (malpresentation Malpresentation of the foetus).
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abdominal lump due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abscess due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Hernia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pain]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Facial palsy]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Neurological disease]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lower backache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lumbago]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Malpresentation of the foetus]]

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