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Vitis coignetiae - Crimson glory vine

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[[File:Vitis coignetiae vine.jpeg|thumb|right|''Vitis coignetiae'', ''Crimson glory vine'']]
'''Vitis coignetiae''' ('''Crimson glory vine''', 머루 meoru in Korean), and ヤマブドウ yama-budo in Japanese) is a plant belonging to the genus Vitis that is native to the temperate climes of Asia, where it can be found in the Russian Far East, (Sakhalin); Korea; and Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku). It was described botanically in 1883.<ref name="int"/>
== Description Uses=={{Uses|Wounds}}, {{Uses|Cuts}}, {{Uses|Snakebites}}, {{Uses|Curing liver disorders}}, {{Uses|Skin eruptions}}, {{Uses|Blotches}}, {{Uses|Pimples}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Sore throats}}
The vine is very vigorous==Parts Used=={{Parts Used|Fruits}}, with purple shoots.The deciduous leaves are large (15 to 30 cm in diameter), simple, orbicular, toothed, with deep petiole. First green, they turn red-orange in autumn{{Parts Used|Leaves}}.
Wild vines can be male==Chemical Composition==The total content of phenolic compounds was determined utilizing Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent, female or hermaphroditewhile the content of tannins was assayed by the vanillin and BSA precipitation methods. Clusters are large with small berries Additionally, the DPPH free radical and ABTS cation radical scavenging activities and large purple seedsthe reduction power of the extracts were measured. It is found in The HPLC method was applied to determine the mountainous regions of Japan phenolic compounds, such as phenolic acids and up to 1300 m altitude in Korea.catechins<ref name="chemical composition"/>
== Uses Common names== In East Asia it is grown as an ornamental plant for its crimson autumn foliage; and as an Oriental medicinal plant.{{Common names|kn=|ml=|sa=|ta=|te=|hi=|en=Crimson glory vine}}
It is used to produce wines in Korea and Japan. These are at first bitter==Properties==Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, but softened with the addition of sugarPrabhava - Therepeutics.===Dravya===
==Common name=Rasa===Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)===Guna===Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry), Tikshna (Sharp)===Veerya===Ushna (Hot)===Vipaka===Katu (Pungent)===Karma===Kapha, Vata===Prabhava===
* '''English''' - Crimson glory vine==Habit=={{Habit|Herb}}
==Identification=====Leaf==={{Leaf|Simple|alternate|The leaves are simple, rounded ovate, 10-25 cm wide}}<ref name="Leaf"/> ===Flower==={{Flower|Unisexual|2-4cm long|Yellow|5-20|Flowers Season is June - August}} ===Fruit==={{Fruit|General|10 mm|Fruits are thick, black|scarcely edible|-}} ===Other features=== ==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==* [[Vishatinduka Taila]] as ''root juice extract'' ==Where to get the saplings====Mode of Propagation=={{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}. ==How to plant/cultivate==Prefers a deep rich moist well-drained moderately fertile loam[1, 200]. Grows best in a calcareous soil[200]. Succeeds in sun or partial shade though a warm sunny position is required for the fruit to ripen<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/> ==Commonly seen growing in areas=={{Commonly seen|Tall grasslands}}, {{Commonly seen|meadows}}, {{Commonly seen|Borders of forests and fields}}. ==Photo Gallery==<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">File:Vitis-coignetiae.JPGFile:Vitis coignetiae leaves.jpegFile:Vitis coignetiae cluster.jpegFile:Vitis coignetiae vine.jpegFile:Vitis coignetiae feuille.jpg</gallery> == References == <references><ref name="intchemical composition">[https://npgswebwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.arsgov/pubmed/23493104 "chemical constituents"]</ref> <ref name="Leaf">[ "plant descripiton"]</ref> <ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "latinname=Vitis +coignetiae information from ARS/GRIN"Cultivation details"]</ref>
== External Links ==* [ Vitis coignetiae on]*[ Vitis coignetiae on]* [ Vitis coignetiaeon]

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