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Virabhadrasana II

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[[File:Virabhadrasana II.png|thumb|right|''Virabhadrasana II'']]
This pose looks like a soldier in the position of war so it is Called as '''Virabhadrasana II(Warrior Pose)''' (Sanskrit: वीरभद्रासन; IPA: [ʋiːrɐbʱɐd̪rɑːsɐnɐ]; IAST: Vīrabhadrāsana) . Virabhadrasana 2 or Warrior 2 Pose yoga pose is an asana commemorating one of the exploits of a mythical warrioreffective yoga poses to strengthen arms, legs and abdomen area.
== Etymology Technique==# Stand straight with your legs by keeping distance 3-4 feet between each other.# Inhale and raise both hands parallel to the ground and turn your head to the right.# While exhaling slowly turn your right foot at 90 degrees to the right.# Slowly bend your right knee. Keep in mind that right thigh should be parallel to the ground. Stay in this position for some time. Breathe deeply for 4 times.# After this come to your original standing position breathe normally. And perform the same steps for left leg by turning head to left.# Repeat this cycle for 4-5 times.<ref name="Technique"/>
The name of this asana is rooted ==Technique in Hindu
The myth is that the, the powerful priest Daksha made a great yagna (ritual sacrifice) but did not invite his youngest daughter Sati and her husband Shiva, the supreme ruler of the universe. But Sati found out and decided to go alone to the yagna. But when she arrived, Sati entered into an argument with her father. But unable to withstand the insults she spoke a vow to her father, “Since it was you who gave me this body I no longer wish to be associated with it.” She walked to the fire and threw herself into it. When Shiva heard of Sati’s death, he was devastated. He yanked out a lock his hair and beat it into the ground, where up rose a powerful Warrior. Shiva named this warrior, Virabhadra. Vira (hero) + Bhadra (friend) and ordered him to go to the yagna and destroy Daksha and all his guests.
==Effects==*Virabhadra's first aspectStretches your hips, (Vīrabhadrāsana I) is his arrival, with swords in both handsgroins and shoulders* Opens your chest and lungs* Builds stamina and concentration* Energizes tired limbs* Stimulates your abdominal organs* Helps relieve backaches, thrusting his way up especially through the earth from below.your 2nd trimester* Develops balance and stability* Improves circulation and respiration*In his second aspectTherapeutic for flat fleet, (Vīrabhadrāsana II) he sights his opponentsciatica, Daksha.*And in his third aspect (Vīrabhadrāsana III)osteoporosis, moving swiftly carpal tunnel and precisely, he decapitates Daksha’s with his sword.infertility<ref name="Effects"/>
Shiva then arrives at the yagna and sees the rout that Virabhadra had wrought. Shiva absorbs Virabhadra back into his own form and then transforms into Hare, the ravisher. Filled with sorrow and compassion Shiva finds Daksha’s body and giving it the head of a goat, brings him back to life. In the end Sati is also reborn.==Related Asanas==* [[ Baddha Konasana]]* [[Supta Padangusthasana]]* [[Utthita Trikonasana]]* [[Vrikshasana]]
Virabhdadra is not simply ==Special requisites==These are a bloody warrior. Like Shiva, he destroys to save: His real enemy is few things you must be cautioned about when you do the ego. “By cutting off the head of the ego, Virabhadra helps remind us to humble ourselvesVirabhadrasana.
== Description ==* It is best to practice the Warrior Pose II under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor or after consulting your doctor, especially if you have had any spinal disorders in the past or if you have just recovered from a chronic illness.* People suffering from high blood pressure should completely avoid practicing this posture.
It ==Initial practice notes==Here is possible a little tip for beginners. When you bend the left knee to a right angle as you get into the pose, bend it quickly with a deep exhalation, and aim to enter Vīrabhadrāsana using vinyasas starting from either Adho Mukha Śvānāsana (Downward facing dog) or from Tāḍāsanaplace the inside of the left knee towards the little-toe side of the left foot.<ref name="Initial practice notes"/>
#Starting from Tāḍāsana#The arms are stretched up, palm touching.#Inhaling spread the legs sideways by jumping or stepping, creating a gap of 2/3 body height.#Exhaling turn the trunk facing to the left while rotating the left foot 90° so it faces forward and the right foot so it points slightly to the right#Bend the left knee till the thigh is parallel to the floor, avoid extending the bent knee past the ankle and keeping the other leg straight.#Stretch the right leg, with the knee locked.#The head, chest, left knee and left foot should be aligned facing forward.#The head should be horizontal with the gaze on the second finger of the left hand.#Hold the asana from one to four breaths.#Return to Step 4 repeat on the other side.#Finally exhale and jump into Tāḍāsana.==References==
<references> <ref name== Benefits =="Technique">[ "Methodology"]</ref>
*Tones <ref name="Initial practice notes">[ "Beginers tips"]</ref> <ref name="Effects">[ leg muscles.-health-benefits-of-virabhadrasana-ii-warrior-ii-pose/ "Health benefits"]</ref> </references> ==External Links==*Increases flexibility of back and legs[ Virabhadrasana II on]*Contracts [ abdominal organs-benefits-of-warrior-ii Virabhadrasana II on]*Prepares practitioner to do [ advanced forward bends-health-benefits-of-virabhadrasana-ii-warrior-ii-pose/ Virabhadrasana II on]

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