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Vātāri Guggulu

573 bytes added, 6 years ago
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{{stub}}'''Vataari Vātāri Guggulu''' Vati is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Guggulu as the basic ingredient
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
|1. V¡t¡ri Vātāri Taila (Era¸·a Eraṇḍa API)|| [[Ricinus communis ]] ||Sd. Oil. ||1/8 Part
|2. Gandhaka API -áuddha Śuddha ||Sulphur ||||1 Part
|3. Guggulu API -áuddha Śuddha ||Commiphora wightii|| O.R|| 1 Part
|4. Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API ||[[Terminalia chebula]]|| P.|| 1 Part
|5. Bibh¢taka Bibhītaka API ||[[Terminalia belerica ]] ||P.|| 1 Part
|6. Ëmalak¢ Āmalakī API|| [[Emblica officianalis]]|| P. ||1 Part
==Method of preparation==
*Take all the ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 4 to 6 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve number 85. Powder shuddha Śuddha Gandhaka to a fine powder and pass through sieve number 85.
*Weigh all of them separately in the required quantities and mix.
*Crush weighed quantity of Guggulu-shuddhaŚuddha, add fine powder of other mixed ingredients to it and pound well.
*Add Eranda Taila in small quantity at regular intervals for smooth pounding and pound to a semisolid uniformly mixed mass of suitable plasticity.
*Expel the mass through Vati machine fitted with a suitable die and cut the Vatis to a desired weight.
==Therapeutic uses==
*amavata Āmavāta (rheumatismRheumatism), Katisula Kaṭīśūla (lower Lower backache), Grdhrasi Grdhṛasī (sciaticaSciatica), Khauja Khañja (limpingLimping), Vatarakta Vātarakta (goutGout), Pangu Paṅgu (paraplegiaParaplegia), shotha Śotha (inflammationInflammation), Daha Dāha (burning Burning sensation), Kroshturshaka Kroṣṭu śīrṣaka (deformed Deformed knee due to chronic arthritis).
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Rheumatism]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lower backache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Sciatica]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Limping]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Gout]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Paraplegia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Inflammation]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Burning sensation]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Deformed knee due to chronic arthritis]]

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