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Ekapada RajaKapotasana I

230 bytes added, 6 years ago
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# You can also point your right knee towards the right, to such an extent that it is outside the line of the hip.
# Your left leg ought to broaden itself straight out of the hip. Ensure it is not turned or bent to your left side. Now rotate it inwards, with the end goal that its midline is squeezed against the floor.
# After that, take a long and deep breath; while you breathe out bend left leg from the knees. At that point, push your middle back and extend as much as you can so that your head touches your foot.# Raise , raise your arms, tenderly collapsing them at your elbows. Utilize your hands to bring your foot towards your head.
# Keep up the upright position of your pelvis. Push it down. At that point, lift the lower edges of your rib confine against the weight of the push.
# For lifting up your mid-section (Chest), push the highest point of your sternum straight up and towards the roof.
# Remain in this position around 30 to 60 seconds.
# Now put down your hands back to the floor and put your left knee down. Slowly slide your left knee forward.# Breathe , breathe out and get into the Adho Mukha Svanasana.
# Rest for sometime; returned on your fours and relax. As you breathe out, do the asana with your left leg forward and right leg at the back.
# Repeat this process with your right leg forward and once with your left leg forward.<ref name="Technique"/>
* [[Baddha Konasana]]
* [[Bhujangasana]]
* [[Gomukhasana]]
* [[Setu Bandhasana]]
* [[Supta Virasana]]
==Special requisites==
The people who all are suffering from followng injuries dont do this pose:
* Sacroiliac injury
* Ankle injury
* Knee injury
* Tight hips or thighs
==Initial practice notes==
[[Category:Curative Asanas for - Chest]]
[[Category:Curative Asanas for - Coccyx]]

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